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    Forbes lists this year's top-earning comedians

    Forbes, the magazine devoted to counting other people's money, released another list of this year's top earners. Is Oprah the top earner? Is it Oprah? OPRAH?

    No, she doesn't make the cut because Forbes listed the top-earning working comedians of the year and --surprise!-- they're all of our favorite people:

    1. Jeff Dunham
    2. Dane Cook
    3. Terry Fator
    4. Chelsea Handler
    5. George Lopez
    6. Larry the Cable Guy
    7. Russell Peters
    8. Tie: Jeff Foxworthy and Howie Mandel
    10. Bill Engvall

    I had no knowledge of who Terry Fator was before reading this list, and generally refuse to acknowledge the existence of a shaved-head Howie Mandel. It's also worth noting that these comics make the bulk of their income on the road, performing individual stand-up sets for a larger price-tag than it would take to get Joe Biden to come to your college (I imagine).

    Everyone: please ask your extended families in the Midwest to stop seeing these people. I'd like to see a good name next year.

    Commentarium (19 Comments)

    Sep 15 10 - 8:28am

    this list is the funniest thing these comedians have ever been part of, so congrats!

    Sep 15 10 - 8:50am

    Jebus shit! Not one person is funny. Though, Chelsea Handler has a sex tape coming out that I assume will be pretty funny.

    Sep 15 10 - 9:08am

    The fact that at least two of these acts involve puppets freaks me out.

    Sep 15 10 - 9:53am

    Why do you Americans keep supporting Russell Peters? He's Canadian but we had the good sense to ask him to leave a long time ago.

    Sep 15 10 - 10:17am

    What the FUCK. This is criminal.

    Sep 15 10 - 11:23am

    People like to laugh without having to think. Thinkin's HARD!

    Sep 15 10 - 11:47am

    The decline of African-American comedy continues apace. Not a single black name in the top ten. I don't even know what to think about that.

    Sep 15 10 - 1:23pm

    Wow, no Louis CK or Galifianakis?

    Sep 15 10 - 3:43pm

    "The fact that at least two of these acts involve puppets freaks me out." — hey, it's just an urban myth that Larry the Cable Guy is a puppet.

    Sep 15 10 - 7:19pm

    Depressing for the state of the country. Probably says more about the decline of our empire than the existence of the Tea Baggers.

    Sep 15 10 - 7:42pm

    It's like a lineup of the 2010 No Laughs Tour.

    So I'm not the only one who thinks Chelsea Handler is not funny?

    Sep 15 10 - 8:56pm

    WTF? No Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Louis CK, Daniel Tosh... :/

    Sep 15 10 - 9:35pm
    robert paulsen

    does this mean that i can finally get bobby's world dvds? or is the howie mandel thing a bait-and-switch

    Sep 15 10 - 11:16pm

    Re: Louis CK - I read somewhere he traded less money for complete creative control for his show.

    Sep 16 10 - 9:03am

    I wonder if Stewart/Colbert are actually considered "comedians" by something like Forbes. They may be actors or even hosts, since neither of them do stand-up. That said, if you ask me, the man who should be making the most money is Lewis Black.

    Sep 16 10 - 2:22pm

    Terry Fator is not a comedian. That's not meant as a put-down. He is a ventriloquist and also a great voice mimic, but not a comedian.

    Jan 15 11 - 11:10pm

    Love, love Russell Peters. Sad to have seen him leave Canada, but happy to see he made it so big

    Nov 20 11 - 6:52pm

    I thoghut I'd have to read a book for a discovery like this!