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Bristol Palin

Bristol Palin critiques Michele Bachmann: "She dresses a lot like my mom"

Bristol Palin critiques Michele Bachmann: "She dresses a lot like my mom"

Meghan McCain once called Michele Bachmann a "poor man's Sarah Palin," which is actually a reasonable assessment of the woman…
Bristol Palin was "not accusing Levi Johnston of date rape" in memoir

Bristol Palin was "not accusing Levi Johnston of date rape" in memoir

As many Hooksexup readers pointed out, the scene in Bristol Palin's new memoir describing the first time she had sex with Levi Johnston comes off…
Read the story of how Bristol Palin lost her virginity

Read the story of how Bristol Palin lost her virginity

Bristol Palin's book Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far doesn't hit shelves until next week, but the part everyone's actually…
Levi Johnston plans ridiculously titled tell-all book about the Palin family

Levi Johnston plans ridiculously titled tell-all book about the Palin family

Levi Johnston, the man behind Bristol Palin's baby and some pretty lame Playgirl photos, is ready to tell all about Alaska's former…
Bristol Palin was paid over $250,000 by teen pregnancy prevention organization

Bristol Palin was paid over $250,000 by teen pregnancy prevention organization

Here's some depressing news regarding the sad state of sex education here in America. The Candie's Foundation, whose stated mission is…
Bristol Palin's book deal is official

Bristol Palin's book deal is official

So guess who gets to call herself a published author before you do? Television personality Bristol Palin, daughter of television personality…
Washington University cancels Bristol Palin's planned talk on sexual responsibility

Washington University cancels Bristol Palin's planned talk on sexual responsibility

After Washing University students and the internet balked at the idea of Bristol Palin taking part in a discussion of sexual responsibility…
Bristol Palin is the keynote speaker at university's "Sexual Responsibility Week"

Bristol Palin is the keynote speaker at university's "Sexual Responsibility Week"

Sarah Palin's teen mom-cum-dancing sensation pro-abstinence daughter Bristol will be the keynote speaker at St. Louis' Washington…