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John Boehner

Links: Law firm hired by Boehner to defend DOMA quits

Links: Law firm hired by Boehner to defend DOMA quits

When Speaker of the House John Boehner sheds some of his legendary tears tonight, let's not be too hard on him. After all, it's hard to…
House Republicans paying lawyer up to $500,000 to defend DOMA

House Republicans paying lawyer up to $500,000 to defend DOMA

After months of pontificating about government spending, House Republicans have now hired former Solicitor General Paul Clement and his legal…
Is the government about to shut down over abortion?

Is the government about to shut down over abortion?

On one hand, it seems like the current budgetary impasse is all about money: Speaker John Boehner claimed, in a statement early this morning, that…
Boehner promises to be a dick about DOMA repeal

Boehner promises to be a dick about DOMA repeal

Last week, President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the anti-gay-marriage act, DOMA, is unconstitutional and the justice…
Fox & Friends replaces Obama address laughter with cricket noises

Fox & Friends replaces Obama address laughter with cricket noises

  So as we all know, President Obama gave his annual State of the Union address last night to a politically non-segregated packed house. It…
Watch: Nancy Pelosi jokes about size of John Boehner's gavel

Watch: Nancy Pelosi jokes about size of John Boehner's gavel

Good ol' Nancy Pelosi. Despite losing her dearly held position as Speaker of the House, she still knows how to have a good time. And to her, a good…