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Accidents Will Happen

With every girl, I dreaded the same humiliating thing.

Accidents Will Happen, By Snowden Wright

BY Snowden Wright

That morning I knew from the chill of evaporation on my skin that whatever love kindled and stoked and flamed overnight was now extinguished. You could smell it on the sheets. We had drunk hot cider and bourbon at an underground bar, traded shirts in a bathroom with no mirrors, driven home by stick-shifting on icy roads, and woken her roommates with our attempts at one more time. Now the sheets were dried of sweat but still suspiciously moist. Now my skin was cooled of lust but flushed with shame. It was the second time I'd ruined great sex with a beautiful woman by inadvertently pissing the bed.

Worse still, at the bar that night — spilling bourbon all over my sneakers, lighting the wrong end of a cigarette — I had told her about the first time it happened. In college I dated a girl more artistic than me, better looking than me, and more sexually adventurous than me. Lara admired fluffy, pink things and collected broken, discarded mirrors. I assumed at the time I was just another addition to her motley regard. One night, after attending a Heaven and Hell party, where I wore white and she wore red, and after shooting something called Ice, which tasted like mouthwash and burned like napalm, we returned to her dorm room for activities lost in a blackout that presaged yellow disaster. "Take your pants all the way off," I remember her saying. "Where are you trying to put that? Open your eyes. Drink some water." Who knew such a simple request could bring about such pedomorphic doom?

I thought someone had poured a beer on my crotch.

At dawn, waking with a dry mouth and wet sheets, I thought someone had poured a beer on my crotch. I was lying in a puddle of my own urine — oh, fuck me — but fortunately, Lara was still fast asleep. Neither scrubbing the sheets with my t-shirt nor aiming a desk fan at the bed helped to dry the telltale wet spot. Rather than waiting for Lara to wake and calmly, maturely explaining the situation, I left her room and ran home, pee-soaked tail tucked between my legs.

In the underground bar ("Below Ground, Above Expectations"), I told Jocelyn the story over hot toddies and borrowed cigarettes, stressing the comedy, glossing the tragedy. Of course, it was a line. Look at me, it said, I'm self-deprecating. I have the confidence to tell you an embarrassing story. Therefore, I must have a penis the size of a billy club, Guinness-worthy sexual endurance, and an encyclopedic knowledge of coital positions.

We overindulged in Kentucky sour mash, told tales of virginity lost, made a scene in the bathroom, and prank-called George Plimpton, who politely said we should send our queries to The Paris Review's offices. Afterwards we decided on her place. This was a time, mind you, when I regularly drank in excess, when I maintained a romantic notion of alcoholism, when I feared neither spiritual retribution nor physical consequence. That night was no different. Whatever doubts I had in my abilities and all worries I had over my skills vanished under the influence.

Jocelyn lived in a cabin in rural Vermont. Her bed, like that of Penelope and Odysseus, seemed to have been not only made of a single tree but actually carved into one. The sex was just as epic. Gone were my sexual apprehensions. Gone was my shyness of experimentation. We turned each other over and lifted appendages and stood up and turned sideways and reversed this and twisted that. Jocelyn made a saddle of my lap. Her lips pressed against mine as her ankles dug into my back. She drew blood with her nails.

That the sex was a vision made the next morning all the more tragic. They say urine contains expelled waste, dissolved salts, and other organic materials, but in the morning light, it also contained the lost hope of our remembering the previous night fondly.

"Hey, Jocelyn," I said. "Remember that story I told you last night?"

"Yes, I know," she said. "I can feel it."

What can one do in such a situation but ask forgiveness, offer to wash her sheets, feign disembarrassment, and make a joke of it all? She laughed, bless her heart. I would like to say it never happened again. I would also like to say it never happened again with the same woman.

Comments ( 16 )

You make you're earlier troubles with alcohol seem rather charming. However, I know a guy who had exactly the same problem. His blackout drunks were really only attractive to him and quite repulsive to the rest of us.

huh commented on Jun 22 10 at 1:51 am

this is overwritten, bordering on purple prose. could have been a lot more interesting.

what commented on Jun 22 10 at 3:03 am

I loved this.

Sam commented on Jun 22 10 at 3:13 am

the last paragraph is completely unnecessary. stop editing yourself and speak.

agree commented on Jun 22 10 at 3:14 am

@Huh, pls spew your anecdotes elsewhere! OR learn the difference between "you're" and "your." Sheesh

Pamela commented on Jun 22 10 at 8:00 am

Nice work!

Smll commented on Jun 22 10 at 8:31 am

i knew a guy like this too. it's not charming, it's drunk.

cc commented on Jun 22 10 at 10:21 am

i actually found the last paragraph quite insightful. different strokes.

steve commented on Jun 22 10 at 10:22 am

Passed out on my couch, a friend of mine pissed himself and woke to find he had ruined his recently purchased i-Phone. He was, well, very pissed with himself.....and, he quit drinking altogether.

ldzw commented on Jun 22 10 at 11:19 am

I agree this is not's sad. I love drinking and being in a bar. I would even swear that beer taste better when the name is painted on the glass, but this is a gross display of someone's complete lack of self control. There are certain behaviors that are just not acceptable and this is one...ewww. Get a grip dude!

Erin commented on Jun 22 10 at 11:56 am

Why do personal essayists have to be moralizers or charmers? They only have to be interesting and honest, and I thought this guy was both.

Jim commented on Jun 22 10 at 12:06 pm

um, paging AA...

lauren commented on Jun 22 10 at 12:12 pm

this guy's amazing. liked this one almost as much as his last Hooksexup essay. team wright!

pantaloony commented on Jun 22 10 at 3:58 pm

Isn't this skanky?

qwerty commented on Jun 22 10 at 6:20 pm

The first time a friend told me a guy had peed in her bed I was so disgusted but I KEEP hearing about it. Is this really common?! I would kill someone!

:) commented on Jun 23 10 at 2:21 pm

There is a choice to be made. Do you want to be good at love making, or do you want to feel hip with your belly full of alcohol, while disgusting those around you? It may be cute once, but that kind of crap gets old fast.

this_is_an_art commented on Jun 23 10 at 11:30 pm

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