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Holy Papaya, Batman! That's a Vibrator!

Posted by Nicole Pasulka

We aren't 100% on these being not a joke, but this isn't the time to withhold something from you just because it may not be real. Somewhere out there, people are making fruits and vegetables into sex toys. We'd heard the one about the girl who whittled the carrot into the shape of a dildo but somehow installing a vibrator into a cucumber takes this whole DIY stuff-you-plank-yourself-with thing one step further. However, we can admit that, while we dump on unsexy sex toy trends, we can't help but be impressed by the site's ingenuity. Vibe on, starfruit. Vibe on. (via GorillaMask)



camipco said:

The best thing about this post is the "filed under":

Weird sex toy



October 10, 2007 6:06 PM

Cunning Linguist said:

Damn!  What I'd give to be able to eat the fruit after it is used!!


October 10, 2007 7:08 PM
