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Things We've Learned From Lance Bass' Book Tour

Posted by Nicole Pasulka

Hey everyone, Lance Bass just wrote a book called Out of Sync. We are nominating the book for the best, most clever celebrity memoir title ever. We are also learning a lot from his various promotional appearances. For example:

  1. Lance used to date Topanga from Boy Meets World and the Skipper commercials.
  2. Topanga from Boy Meets World was Skipper in the commercials.
  3. Lance first came out to Britney Spears in 2004. Now, she won't talk to him even though they live next door to each other.
  4. Britney Spears lives next door to Lance Bass.
  5. Britney Spears lives next door to anyone.
  6. Lance Bass's first man-on-man encounter was with a Broadway chorus boy.
  7. Broadway chorus boys are gay??!!
This celebrity memoir stuff is so standard-issue. It's really all about reading between the lines to get the real story.


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