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I Want to Ride on the Handlebars of Your Bitchcruiser

Posted by Emily Farris

I, Scanner Emily, admit that there are certain things on The Internets that should offend me. As a woman, a feminist, a person with a brain and a vagina, this Bitchcruiser bike is one of them. But all I can bring myself to do is laugh and share it with you. I wouldn't be caught dead riding one, but hope that you will (ride one, not be caught dead) and maybe, just maybe, I'll jump on the handlebars for a few blocks. More positions pictures after the jump.


[Gizmodo: Ride the Bitchcruiser Bike, But Wear Protection] 



Whit said:

They actually showed a lot of restraint not incorporating the mouth into it.

March 11, 2008 5:41 PM

keri said:

that is really funny

March 12, 2008 2:25 AM

ulltravylette said:

It should be funny. I'm not the kind  of girl that is easily offended. Something about this however, just rubs me the wrong way.

March 12, 2008 2:26 AM

About Emily Farris

Emily Farris writes about culture and food for numerous publications and websites you've probably never heard of, including her own blog eefers. Her first cookbook, "Casserole Crazy: Hot Stuff for Your Oven" was published in 2008. Emily recently escaped New York and now lives in a ridiculously large apartment in Kansas City, MO with her cat, but just one... so far.



about the blogger

Emily Farris writes about culture and food for numerous publications and websites you've probably never heard of, including her own blog eefers. Her first cookbook, Casserole Crazy: Hot Stuff for Your Oven was published in 2008. Emily recently escaped New York and now lives in a ridiculously large apartment in Kansas City, MO with her cat, but just one... so far.

Brian Fairbanks is a filmmaker living in the wilds of Brooklyn. He previously wrote for the Hartford Courant and Gawker. He won the Williamsburg Spelling Bee once. He loves cats, women with guns, and burning books.

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