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Crazy Stalker Attacks Obama

Posted by Brian Fairbanks


A disturbed man who claims he only wanted a picture with Barack Obama stalked the Senator throughout a day of campaigning in Philadelphia today. The man was eventually prevented from reaching the Democratic Presidential candidate by the Secret Service after the stalker confronted Obama three consecutive times.

Why the Secret Service didn't body slam this man on his second attempt to reach the very patient object of his desire is beyond our comprehension. Is it illegal to fuck up idiots who'd waste the free time of the future leader of the free world? And if it is illegal, I doubt anyone would bust them for sucker-punching this punk.

Here is the full, unedited video, which we cannot embed yet for some reason: ABC News. If you can't watch videos or can't understand what this shrill assmunch is going on about so passionately, read the full story here.

We braced ourselves throughout the entire video for a gun to come out and for a very, very horrible moment in history to occur. Why no one else sought fit to raise an alarm until many minutes in is unfathomable. 



nederick said:

"Crazy Stalker Attacks Obama"?  Really?  How 'bout, "Tiresome Douche Annoys Obama," or something more accurate?  I don't understand twisting this into something violent.  I know you're not the news or whatever, but come on.

April 2, 2008 6:05 PM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
