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We Think That's Nikki Cox Behind Those Lips

Posted by Emily Farris


Ah! There are few things we hate more than Photoshopped celebrities. One of those things is constipation. The other is when a pretty woman injects things into her face that are supposed to make her prettier that really just make her less pretty... and a little scary. We can't even begin to imagine why any woman as young (30!!!) and attractive as actress Nikki Cox would do this to herself, unless she now has more sensation in her lips, or something. Even then, we'd opt for the sensation we already have.

Let's all take a few moments to remember Cox the way she was (however Photoshopped), around the time she starred in that show with the talking stuffed rabbit. 

[Image, Image]



afellowgirl said:

First, I have to admit to something truly, truly awful.  I watch the Boob Whisperer.  I can't help it.  I don't know how it started, or why I continue to do it.  I make my husband record it.  He tells me it's awful, but then he feels compelled to watch, too.  That said, there was an episode a few weeks ago featuring this bizarre-looking woman.  I kept thinking, "That 40-something-year-old with the wax lips looks strangely familiar."  Or maybe it was her voice that tipped me off, since her face is so messed up now.  I don't know when it clicked, but I suspected it might be Nikki Cox and immediately checked on the internet.  What I couldn't help but wonder, is what does Jay Mohr think of the situation?  He was with her in the pre-wax lips days.  Doesn't he miss his human wife?  It made me feel so sad.  

May 19, 2008 11:17 AM

wordslinger said:

Yep, she used to be right pretty, and yep, those big fake lips are just awful....but hasn't she always had big fake boobs? Should we be surprised when people keep getting this kind of thing done to themselves?

May 19, 2008 12:54 PM

eurrapanzy said:

she was painfully hot on unhappily ever after.  these days, now that i know there is more to life than battering ram boobs, she leaves me feeling depressed and disappointed.

May 19, 2008 9:25 PM

lilhuna said:

EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! mommy, mommy, make it go away!

May 19, 2008 9:59 PM

About Emily Farris

Emily Farris writes about culture and food for numerous publications and websites you've probably never heard of, including her own blog eefers. Her first cookbook, "Casserole Crazy: Hot Stuff for Your Oven" was published in 2008. Emily recently escaped New York and now lives in a ridiculously large apartment in Kansas City, MO with her cat, but just one... so far.
