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Top 10 Childish Things We Wish We Could Get Away With as Adults

Posted by Emily Farris


As George Bernard Shaw so famously said, "Youth is wasted on the young." We wouldn't have believed it when we were kids, because we wanted nothing more than to be grown ups who could do whatever we wanted. Guess what? Doing whatever we want sometimes sucks, especially when doing whatever we want involves not paying our bills on time or going three years without a visit to the dentist.

Ah, what we wouldn't give now for a strict bed time and some fish sticks — two of the Top 10 Childish Things We Wish We Could Get Away With as Adults.

10. Going to summer camp.

Is there anything more exciting for a kid than going away to summer camp for the first time? For most kids, it's the first time they spend extended periods away from their parents and for us, it was when we learned the most about ourselves as young people. Luckily, we still go back as counselors (yes, Scanner Emily is quite possibly the oldest camp counselor in the history of the world) every summer and run the journalism department at a camp for the fine and technical arts. We have to hold on to our youth somehow, right?

9. Eating fish sticks for dinner, and that being okay.

How can anyone not love fish sticks? They're like fish 'n chips minus the chips and the sexy British accent. Sure, they come from the freezer section, but they're fucking delicious. All that breading would probably make us fat if we consumed as many as we did when we were kids, though. And you'd probably laugh at us. 

8. Going to bed at 8:30.

We can only dream of going to bed at 8:30 when we finally go to bed at 3 a.m. after getting most — but not all — of our work done for the day. 

7. Going to the doctor and never seeing a bill.

We used to think the doctor took care of us because he wanted us to get better, not because he wanted a new car. Now we have to truly believe we're on our death bed or be absolutely certain a bone is broken before we'd even consider getting within 500 feet of a medical professional, lest we want to default on our student loans (which brings us to an honorable mention: free school). 

6. Picking our noses.

Sometimes there's just one you have to get. Definitely loses all charm when an adult does it.

5. Being applauded for everything.

When was the last time someone clapped when you pooped in the toilet?

4. Bursting into tears when we don't get what we want.

Not that we haven't cried over unrequited love, lost apartments or plane tickets that doubled in price over night, forcing us to cancel our vacations, but it's not the same when Dad isn't there to comfort us and give us our first lesson in personal finance while explaining that he just doesn't have the money for that Shetland pony we were so, so in love with.

3. Running around the yard naked.

Not only would this require a yard, it would require us to have the self confidence to actually run while naked. There are so many things wrong with that picture we won't even begin to go there.

2. Believing our parents are immortal.

1. Asking random boys to show us their penises.

The "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" line only works until about 11. Then you're expected to do more. But we could have saved ourselves a lot of disappointment in our teens and early twenties had we been able to check out the goods before committing to any physical contact.



greatgatsby1 said:

I love you, Emily Farris.

June 11, 2008 4:08 PM

nicolette63 said:

Emily, I too am a camp counselor.  I'm 32!  How the hell did this happen?

June 11, 2008 4:24 PM

LydiaSarah said:

Nice. I don't really miss ALL of those (never really liked fish sticks) but I sure do wish I could get away with running around naked. Damn indecent exposure laws and modesty! Clothes are so annoying, especially in the summer. I'd never where them if that didn't mean being naked all the time. Unfortunately the two tend to go hand in hand. So I just have to settle for taking off all my clothes once I get into my bedroom after a hot day, and inadverdently flashing all my neighbors when I forget to draw my brand-new curtains.

I don't think I ever actually ASKED a boy to show me his penis either, but I did often have opposite sex buddies with which to run around naked and this was always quite an occasion. Adults think little kids are so innocent and unaware but, actually, they're checking out each other's junk. Or I was just a little perv.

June 11, 2008 4:56 PM

GangBaby said:

Excellent list! However, it's my understanding that as long as you have them with ketchup, fish sticks are in fact a nutritionally complete meal. (Ketchup is a vegetable, you know.) You should probably add a dish of ice cream, though, so you have something from the dairy group.

June 11, 2008 5:21 PM

Josh said:

I'll show you mine any time you want!

June 11, 2008 8:43 PM

Every Man Ever said:

If you are a woman and you ask to see a man's penis, I give you 4:1 that he will do it.

Also, pick your nose, just not in public.

Also, run around your yard naked. Who cares?

Also, we gave up fishsticks when we realized how good fish and chips were.

Also, plenty people cry when they don't get what they want. They are called "spoiled."

Also, some of us are applauded for everything we do. It is called 'talent.'

Also, I am bitter at not being a kid.


June 11, 2008 10:33 PM

eurrapanzy said:

i don't think i ever did any of this as a kid.

June 11, 2008 11:44 PM

Lux said:

Oh man. We have fish sticks over here as well as fish n chips (we call them fish fingers though) and it is totally acceptable to eat them as a grown up. Loads of gastro pubs even do posh fish-fingers sarnies with ciabatta and tartare sauce and other such nonsense.

June 12, 2008 11:33 AM

maybeapril said:

I still cry when I don't get what I want... just secretly in bathrooms. I'm not spoiled... just emotionally unstable.

June 12, 2008 11:54 AM

lilhuna said:

funny, i was picking my nose as i was reading this. for real!

i would also add, Being Blatantly Honest, as in "i don't want to sit next to Freddy 'cause he smells like soup". and "i like you, can we make out?"

June 26, 2008 8:53 PM

About Emily Farris

Emily Farris writes about culture and food for numerous publications and websites you've probably never heard of, including her own blog eefers. Her first cookbook, "Casserole Crazy: Hot Stuff for Your Oven" was published in 2008. Emily recently escaped New York and now lives in a ridiculously large apartment in Kansas City, MO with her cat, but just one... so far.
