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Woman Gives Her Laptop to Cops in Hopes They'll Bust Her Ex...

Posted by Brian Fairbanks


Thanks to the very many readers who alerted us to the tale of Michelle J. Owen of the great state of Indiana, who did one of the dumbest things we've ever heard of. Owen, who was already in custody for her drunken antics when our story begins, is locked in a "bitter custody dispute" (aren't they all?) with her ex-boyfriend, hatched upon a plan for revenge, victory in her legal battle, and the eventual incarceration of the guy...

Owen told her jailers that her ex-boyfriends laptop had child pornography on it and arranged for the police to receive it. Instead, they found two-- count 'em two-- bestiality videos involving Ms. Owen and a beagle. Owen, when questioned about these vids, had this to say:

[A] cop told Owen that he had found videos of her on the laptop and asked if she "knew what those files might be." Owen, pictured in the below mug shot, replied, "The one with the dog." Cops believe that the dog in question, Toby, is a beagle. After asking if she was "going to be charged with this," Owen said that the videos "were just something she did when she was drunk and barely remembers it," adding that she tried to "delete them the next day when she was sober." [TSG]

Reminder to all the geniuses out there: your files are never deleted until they're DELETED... and even then...



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fabul1st said:

Doesn't seem fair that the boyfriend, who was a participating co-star in the first video, did not get arrested for facilitation or conspiracy, or whatever.

March 19, 2009 1:51 PM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
