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  • John Wayne To Be Replaced With Giant Wang?

    A 6-ton, 24-year-old statue of John Wayne astride a horse may soon be removed from its post at the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and Hamilton Drive in La-La Land -- and Hustler founder and perennial troublemaker Larry Flynt knows exactly what what he'd do with the statue's former home once it's freed up: he'd put a giant cock on it.

    From his publishing headquarters above the statue, Flynt said he wouldn't miss the Duke and his horse if they headed south.

    He said the entryway to the Flynt Building would be better served with something different, suggesting art more fitting for his adult entertainment empire: a 50-foot statue celebrating the male anatomy.

    Actually, it doesn't sound like this plan will get any friction, er, traction, since although Flynt bought the office space right above it, the land in question is owned by Washington Mutual. Also, the L.A. Times is quick to point out that "[i]f Wayne's statue were removed, no replacement artwork would be mandated, city officials said."

    Boo hiss! How come Los Angeles, home to the porn industry and Gomorrah of the United States, can't have a giant cock statue but China can? You know, China, who just banned erotic movies from being considered for national prizes but still manages to allow the creation of an amusement park (we'll say) featuring the 30-foot johnson to your right. Seriously, guys, is a little consistency too much to ask?

    [Via LAist] 



about the blogger

Emily Farris writes about culture and food for numerous publications and websites you've probably never heard of, including her own blog eefers. Her first cookbook, Casserole Crazy: Hot Stuff for Your Oven was published in 2008. Emily recently escaped New York and now lives in a ridiculously large apartment in Kansas City, MO with her cat, but just one... so far.

Brian Fairbanks is a filmmaker living in the wilds of Brooklyn. He previously wrote for the Hartford Courant and Gawker. He won the Williamsburg Spelling Bee once. He loves cats, women with guns, and burning books.

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