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  • Suicide Girls Rated "F" by Better Business Bureau

    Did you know that the Better Business Bureau takes the time to rate smut sites? We sure as hell didn't. Guess when you're the controversial site, and have had a number of public dustups regarding both your content and your business practices, not all the extra attention winds up being good. In this case, it means being graded "F" by the L.A. branch of the leading consumer protection outfit in the country. Oh, btw, that ain't "F" for "foxy."

    We strongly question the company’s reliability for reasons such as that they have failed to respond to complaints, their advertising is grossly misleading, they are not in compliance with the law’s licensing or registration requirements, their complaints contain especially serious allegations, or the company’s industry is known for its fraudulent business practices.

    Yikes. We're guessing there's more to this than people expecting more "alt" in their ""

  • "Wear Your Underwear To Work Day" Way More Offensive Than You'd Hope

    Congratulations to the many Scanner readers who also work at the Audrey Underwear company in Taizhong City, Taiwan! You must tell us what it was like to go to work and find 90% of the ladies clad in nothing but their skivvies as part of a crass, sexist PR stunt!

    The Audrey Underwear company in Taizhong city named November 21 Camisole Day to celebrate record sales.

    All 500 women working in the firm's headquarters were encouraged to wear only camisoles and knickers - much to the excitement of their male colleagues.

    "We have been waiting for this day all month. Today, we are super high, and don't know where to put our eyes," salesman Cai Mingda told Straits News.

    Thus did "super high" become our new favorite way to say "fully erect."
