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Introducing "Famous Last Words"

Posted by Paul Clark

Sharpen your pencils and put on your thinking caps, because exactly 24 hours from now, The Screengrab will premiere a new game, entitled Famous Last Words. We're proud to be hosting our first weekly game, and to encourage all of you to play we'll be giving away a $25 gift certificates to The Criterion Store to each of the three lucky winners of the game.

But before we begin, here are some ground rules:

1. Every Thursday at noon Eastern Time, we will post a line or a short dialogue exchange from a movie. You, in turn, will e-Mail us your guesses as to what movie we took the dialogue from. Guesses must be submitted to me in e-Mail form, to the following e-Mail address: .

2. All quotes will be the final spoken lines of the film, delivered by an onscreen character or narrator. Likewise, the words must be audible. In other words, no silent films, and no onscreen text that isn't read aloud.

3. All quotes will be the final lines of the film proper. Any lines spoken in "credit cookies" or post-credits scenes won't be used. For example, the final lines of Ferris Bueller's Day Off would be "Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it," rather than "You're still here? It's over. Go home."

4. The films selected may be in any language, but we will post the quotations translated into English whenever applicable.

5. Participants may only submit one guess per week of the game. If more than one guess is submitted, no points will be given for the week even if one of the guesses is correct.

6. Submissions must be made to the e-Mail address . We will be turning off comments to each week's quiz to avoid confusion.

7. All entries must be received by the following Wednesday night at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Entries received after this time will be considered ineligible.

8. Each correct submission will be worth one point, each incorrect submission worth zero points. At the end of twelve weeks, each of the three competitors with the highest number points will each win a $25 gift certificate from The Criterion Store. If there is a tie for first place between more than three contestants, we will run tie-breaker rounds until the winners have been whittled down to three.

9. Employees of or The Screengrab are ineligible for prizes. Sorry buds.

10. Have fun!



The Screengrab said:

With Kenneth Branagh's disastrous re-imagining still fresh (if that's the word) in the minds of the few who bothered to see it, I suppose now is as good a time as any to remember when the title Sleuth wasn't synonymous with suckitude. Branagh's

January 31, 2008 3:31 PM