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In Other Blogs: SXSW Roundup

Posted by Scott Von Doviak

Once again it’s that time of the week for us to acknowledge, however grudgingly, that there may occasionally be a reason or two to check out film blogs that aren’t the Screengrab. While our SXSW coverage continues, we must admit we can’t be everywhere every day, so here are a few of our imaginary Internet friends who are picking up the slack:

Cinematical has a wide assortment of coverage, from tales of misplaced luggage and other airline horror, to a plethora of reviews, including some we missed (Super High Me), some we disagree on (Wellness) and some we’ll write about soon (Second Skin).

At Beyond the Multiplex, Andrew O’Hehir runs down his SXSW discoveries, including Yeast, Living with the Tudors and Nerdcore Rising. "There's no point even bothering to attend the South by Southwest Film Festival if you're not open to discovering movies you haven't heard about — and may never get the chance to see again," he writes. "Sure, I was plenty glad to see Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay a month before the rest of the world, but that's not what I'm talking about. Despite the Indiewood premieres, the ever-larger hordes of attendees and the expanding media presence, SXSW still feels like a showcase (and trade show) aimed at people who love movies more than the movie business, and whose definition of 'independent film' still includes some elements of anti-Hollywood subversion and rebellion."

GreenCine Daily has podcasts for your listening pleasure. Here is a chat with Brittany Blockman and Josephine Decker about their documentary about the "changing sexual landscape of America," Bi the Way, and here is "a frank and honest discussion with Greta Gerwig and Joe Swanberg about their frank and honest film, Nights and Weekends."

Indiewire’s On the Scene blog runs down the best in documentaries, from Audience and Grand Jury winner They Killed Sister Dorothy to We Are Wizards, "about several so-called 'wizard rock' bands — groups that write and play music that's in some way related to the world of Harry Potter." There truly is something for everyone at SXSW.



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