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Trailer Review, Comic-Con Special: Terminator: Salvation Teaser

Posted by Paul Clark

Back in 2003, I questioned whether the world needed a third Terminator movie, and my skepticism was rewarded with a third-rate addition to the saga. Now, with the release of this teaser, I can’t help but wonder again- does the world really need a fourth Terminator movie? More specifically, what will a new installment bring to the table? I’m sort of intrigued by the idea of a post-apocalyptic take on the series, but I’m not sure how sustainable it’ll be at feature length, at least with McG at the helm. I can imagine it getting a bit numbing, even with Christian Bale as John Connor. Also, this guy as Kyle Reese? Sorry, I’m just not seeing it. Barring some positive advance word, I think I’ll give Terminator: Salvation a pass.



adam christ said:

the real question is does the world need another christian bale movie.  how does he even have time for all these things?  maybe there really are two of him...

July 25, 2008 12:16 PM

eurrapanzy said:

i'm less concerned with terminator salvation, and more concerned with the fact that they think we need more than one new one to tell us about the war.

i enjoyed T3, if you will, but it only served as a backdrop that should have gotten us to explosions a lot faster.  it didn't, and so i soured on the whole idea.  if they remedy that with the fourth, i might find myself interested in more.  more likely, though, i'll just trade my robotic alliance to summer glau.

July 25, 2008 3:21 PM

movie buff said:

totally looking forward the new Terminator... Christian Bale tends to do a great job no matter what role he takes

July 29, 2008 6:57 PM

NickD said:

"...Barring some positive advance word, I think I’ll give Terminator: Salvation a pass..."

Oh you big fat liar! You *know* you'll go see it. We'll all go see it, even if we only hear it's 'okay' ...

August 2, 2008 12:27 AM