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Dark Knight: The All-Talking-Head Edition

Posted by Leonard Pierce

It seems strange to be talking already about the contents of a Dark Knight DVD already.  After all, the movie is still playing in theaters all over the place -- in fact, it's still in the middle of a real barn-burner of a theatrical run, with each week proving that a Spandex-clad Christian Bale still has some legs under him.  By the time the last theater in America yanks the latest installment of Christopher Nolan's Batman series in favor of Election Movie or whatever other Jason Friedberg/Aaron Seltzer abomination comes down the pike, it may be the most profitable movie in the history of the world.  Still, today's media cycle is shorter than Billy Barty, and it can't be denied that some people were already demanding a Dark Knight DVD release on their way out of the theater after having seen it for the first time. 

That's why we're grateful to insider site (via a Spanish DVD fansite, so please do consider the source before writing us angry letters) for some advance info about what we're going to get when we finally plunk down our $30 for the deluxe DVD release of Dark Knight.  Neat stuff:  it'll be a double disc, with director's commentary, making-of featurettes, production stills, trailers, viral marketing content, gadget stuff, and all the rest.  Multiple audio formats will be available, and there'll be plenty of origin-of-a-scene stuff and special effects spotlights for the geek contingent.  Especially fun:  the release will include six different clips from fictional Gotham City news shows and media broadcasts, treating the events of the film as if they were real stories; this could be setting audiences up for the next movie in the series -- tentatively titled, simply, Gotham -- in which it's rumored we'll see all the action from a citizen's-eye view.

Less neat, though, is the promise that the second disc will contain talking-head featurettes entitled  "Batman Unmasked:  The Psychology of the Dark Knight" and "The World of Batman Seen Through Real Life Psychotherapy".  Speaking as someone who has spent entirely too much time thinking about the psychology of Bruce Wayne, take it from me that nothing kills the magic of Batman more than hearing some heartless schmoe talk about how, in real life, he'd be considered a violent psychopath who should probably do a couple of decades punching wax dummies in an asylum.  Better still, these features are inexplicably in HD, allowing audiences to see every wrinkle and/or pimple on whatever community college psych teacher they rope in to do the project. 

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danrimage said:

Gotham sounds like it could be ace, like a one-off comic book 'having fun with the format' story. Normally I'd say something along the lines of how a major studio would never allow a high profile franchise to get that experimental with its narrative, but then five years ago I was bemoaning the fact that I'd never live to see a decent Batman movie, so.....

September 23, 2008 6:41 PM

About Leonard Pierce