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  • Introducing Shigeo Tokuda, the Godzilla of Geriatric Porn

    On the P.R. circuit to promote Mamma Mia!, Meryl Streep has been enjoying herself by telling interviewers how "mortified" her kids are at the thought of the 59-year-old actress prancing around the surf while crooning such deathless ABBA confections as "The Winner Takes It All." If Streep really wants to drive her offspring to scuttle around wearing Groucho noseglasses and fake foreign accents, she might consider a co-starring gig with Shigeo Tokuda, Japan's 73-year-old adult film star. Tokuda--that's his porn name--turned to on-camera balling after he retired from his gig as a travel agent and found that he "didn't have anything to do." (In a similar situation, my grandmother took up crocheting.) Now he takes on all comers, appearing with women from all across the age spectrum in the course of a career that has already racked up more than 200 titles.