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Hooksexup Premium

  1. You know Hooksexup has improved your sex life. It's payback time.
  2. It's time for all the sex-positive feminists out there to put their money where their mouth is. If you want equal opportunity objectification (i.e. more dick), you've got to show us the money (because the advertisers certainly won't).
  3. Hooksexup subscribers can kick Playboy subscribers' asses. (If you're a repressed male homosexual under twenty-five, replace Playboy with Maxim.)
  4. Thursdays were made for the Em & Lo Down.
  5. You'll get a nearly-sexual satisfaction out of proving all those bitter, luddite journalists wrong the ones who said the world wasn't ready for a smart sex magazine.
  6. You like us. You really like us!
  7. We like you. We really like you!
  8. No one else will let this "pair of harpies" make a career out of "creating the illusion of being funny, sexy and/or not coked out of their minds." (Direct quote from undersexed John Gorenfeld of Flak Magazine.)
  9. Bush is president.
  10. In the immortal words of Wilford Brimley, "It's the right thing to do and the tasty way to do it."