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Miss Information

I'm a girl, and I've just realized I like girls. Now how do I date them?

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By Cait Robinson

Have a question? Email . Letters may be edited for length, content, and clarity.

Dear Miss Info,

I am a twenty-seven-year-old girl, and I recently realized that I am more than 50% and less than 200% gay. Since I figured this out, I've been on a handful of dates with women, and I've been enjoying myself. But here's my question: when you're dating a man, as much as I hate to think about it, your roles are pretty ingrained. He opens doors, you let him. He pays for dinners, you let him. He tries to fuck you, eventually you let him. (Ugh, can't you tell I'm done with men?) But when dating another woman, those social expectations are gone. So what's the etiquette? Who pays for whom? Who talks to whom at a bar? Who proposes dates? And also, if you're hitting it off with a cute girl, how do you know if you're flirting (i.e. she's queer and interested), or just chatting (i.e. she's straight and just a great conversationalist)?

Thanks so much. It's kind of embarrassing.

Like Riding a Bike

Dear Like Riding a Bike,

Congratulations on your newfound shades of gray! (I accidentally typed "shades of gay." I almost like that better.) I really wish there were a rite of passage for this, like a quinceañera for people having sexual-orientation epiphanies. "You're not going to dread sex anymore! I got you a piñata shaped like a donkey!"

But until someone decides to pioneer that tradition (cough, cough, readers), you'll have to settle for a cocktail of my enthusiasm and your own sense of relief. Though I would put myself on the Queer Spectrum somewhere between "what happens in Portland stays in Portland" and " a three-dollar bill," I am by no means an expert — and this is a question about social trends that are bigger than any one woman can explain.

So I enlisted help. I sent your question to a handful of dear friends; three gay-identified men and two bi-identified women (both of whom are dating girls) responded. At length. It turns out this is a subject they all have strong opinions on! You are by no means alone in your overthinking and confusion, LRaB. Anna starts us off:

"I've pondered this very question myself, and it's quite a stumper. This question is all the best and the worst parts of girl-on-girl dating. Once the thrill of 'conventions out the window! woo!' wears off, it's like, wait, what the fuck do I do? When a dude is into you, it's pretty obvious. Subtlety is not a dude strong point. But girls are so much more mysterious, and that's the thrilling and infuriating thing about lady-squared style dating."

Take note, LRaB: Anna is a pro, and even she acknowledges that same-sex dating can be confusing and hazy. Let that set the tone here: there are no stone tablets sent down from on high. In kissing girls, it's every woman for herself. But within that, we can refine some things. As for the nuts and bolts, Brian explains:

"On a date, one of you can offer, or you can take turns, or you can just split it. At a bar, approach if you want, or just sit there if you'd rather be approached. And whoever gets to the door first can open it. It's only when one tries to fit a gay relationship into a straight mold that it feels confusing."

I bolded that last line, 'cause I think he nails it. You know the dynamics of straight dating ("straighting"?) and assume the queer rules must be similar. Not so. Back to Anna:

"[Generally speaking,] all rules are out the window. Who pays for dinner? Girl One, if she feels like it; Girl Two, if she feels like it. The best part is that one night, Girl One can feel chivalrous while Girl Two gets to feel all girly and adored, and the next night, it can be the other way around. Getting to wear both hats is more than fun, it's freaking intoxicating. Who feels totally one way all the time anyway? (Okay, fine, some people. Yawn.)"

So the moral of all of that? You've got to make it up as you go along. Each of my respondents said this in one form or another: "terrifying" and "freeing" are two sides of the same coin. Look at the ambiguity as a gift rather than a burden, and enjoy the experiences it affords you.

As for your last question, which is by far the thorniest: how do you tell if that hot girl is totally gay for you, or just being nice? Finding out is going to take some, er, balls. Ella contributes this:

"Being a feminine-looking woman with my [Southern] social mannerisms has meant that I've had to sort of 'out' myself to a girl I'm pursuing — for example, mentioning a past relationship with a girl, or trying to find the least-awkward way to point-blank say or indicate that I like them."

Justin adds:

"What's the worst that could happen? You say, 'So, you're really beautiful. I'd love to go on a date some time.' And she does what? Stammers, says, 'Hey, I'm not into girls.' Oh no! End of the world!"

The thing is, when "lady-squared" dating is concerned, there is more gray area, and it's just going to take more confidence on your part. Judging from your letter, you were socialized to be passive and let the dude take the lead — and you ultimately found that unfulfilling. So why replicate that in your queer life? Just as you're agonizing about the sexuality of the cute girl on the train, she may as well be agonizing about your sexuality. You know how you overcome that? Lady up and ask her.

Elliott concluded his email with this:

"All said and done, going dutch doesn't mean you won't french later. (You can steal this. Very proud.) It's all a matter of attraction.  It won't matter what the right person does, because it will just be right."

Well put, El. So, Like Riding a Bike, don't get too caught up in who suggests the art-house film or who holds the doors. Treat her like a peer, like an equal, and like a gem, and you're doing it right. And, ultimately, shouldn't that be the goal for everyone — gay, straight, or other? 

PS: This is a grossly abbreviated version of their letters, all of which are beautiful. For further gay reading, Like Riding a Bike, the responses are posted in their entirety on

Commentarium (32 Comments)

Dec 27 10 - 8:08am

"You're not going to dread sex anymore! I got you a piñata shaped like a donkey!"

this column is the only thing on Hooksexup worth reading anymore :)

Dec 27 10 - 9:31am
dagny t

I've always gone under the assumption that whoever does the initial asking on a date should do the paying for a date. (& yes, I'm a straight female)

Dec 27 10 - 12:49pm

I once cleared up the question of whether a girl in a bar was flirting with me or not by asking, "Are you here with your boyfriend?" and when she said no I simply asked, "Oh, then are you here with your girlfriend?" She said she didn't have one anymore, which answered my question.

Dec 27 10 - 1:49pm

Oh, I am right there with you, girlfriend. And I don`t really have much to add to what Miss Info and her friends said - it`s great. I think that whoever proposed the date should offer to pay, but I find you usually end up going dutch. I, personally have found that online dating has been a goldmine when it comes to other ladies. It feels safer than meeting random men off the internet, and you don`t have to spend all this time speculating about whether they`re into girls, or single. Then you can get practice for the more complicated transactions of meeting on the subway or at parties, etc.

Dec 27 10 - 11:42pm
Jessica <3

Oh this is so helpful. Thank youuu.

Dec 28 10 - 12:31am

>Treat her like a peer, like an equal, and like a gem, and you're doing it right. And, ultimately, shouldn't that be the goal for everyone ...
Exactly and this should have been an opening gambit because, queer or straight, if you want to cast assumed dating roles and conventions as gender based and immutable then, quite honestly, you lack confidence. Best deal with that before pinning your hopes for sexual epiphany on a switch to a new team.

Dec 28 10 - 12:55am

This is awesome advice! Yeah, dating women is much harder than dating men - or at least this bi-dyke has found so. Thankfully, I have 95% accurate gay-dar (and apparently much more attractiveness to men, but that's another story). That's worth cultivating.

Yes, you do need to take more initiative, which is really scary. But you can also try the art of subtle flirting- eye contact, etc. and see if she returns it, and then approach from there. You can also ask female friends to help you - in my experience they are more than happy to try to hook you up and have you meet someone interesting.

Dec 28 10 - 1:28am

@dagny t: Really? That's silly and sexist. It's just code for "I'm a lady, and demand equality in every way, except in the cases that sexism benefits women". What percentage of straight women ever ask men out first? Or even for the 2nd date? And how often does no third date happen? So basically, it's just code for "the penis pays".

Dec 28 10 - 2:53am

Eh, I'm fine with men paying for my dinners here and there. If I'm going to make $.75 to their dollar, I may as well get a steak out of it.

Dec 28 10 - 5:23am

Wow Kevin. I think you're the one making sexist assumptions. I've asked guys out to dates, even the first, and most of my female friends have as well.

Dec 28 10 - 11:12am

@Kevin: Actually, that's just etiquette. Whomever did the inviting should pay, girl or boy, date or not. And yes, I've done the asking too.

However, I'll usually go Dutch if I don't like the guy and will never have the chance to reciprocate on a meal ever again. But that's just me.

Dec 28 10 - 2:34pm

Hold on. Why does the guy pay for dinner in a straight date? And why does the woman let him?

Dec 28 10 - 2:42pm

And I should read comments before writing. Yeah, asker should pay. But my dates have been >95% me (man) asking a woman out. At risk of going off topic, what are your own ratios of asking to being asked? This would apply to LGBT persons, too. And how does it correlate (or not) with position on the butch-femme spectrum?

Dec 28 10 - 6:38pm

@Cait: "here and there"? For 99% of all men, it's 99% of the time. For the ones that say they do some asking...then you're a rare exception. Though it makes sense that exceptional people follow Hooksexup. @dcx..."my dates have been >95% me (man) asking a woman out"...that's true of every man. The so-called "etiquette" is, in practice, complete sexism.

Dec 28 10 - 7:20pm

As "The Butch" i enjoy getting the check or holding the door and never have gotten use to any other way. Its moreso in my nature to do so. I dont care what roles other people are trying not to uphold or what traditions need to be abolished. That said, i cannot bring myself to ask for a same sex date. I think gaydar is just a sensitivity to stereotypes. I have no doubt that i could snag a great opposite sex partner fairly easily with little to no rejection.

Dec 29 10 - 1:34am

Straight, bi or queer, the rule of thumb (you can take that anyway you want to) should be the person who does the asking pays. Unless other arrangements have been made well in advance. It's only fair. You say you want to take them out this Friday. You shouldn't be assuming that Friday is fine for their cash flow. You're the one requesting this Friday, you pay this Friday. Or even if you ask them I'd like to go on a date with you sometime, you initiated, you should pay. Then, if all goes well, perhaps they will return the favor, ask you out, and they pay. As mercenary as it may sound, you can tell a lot about how someone handles this type of situation. I mean really, are you going to ask someone out and when the check arrives suddenly say, whoa...I didn't mean I would pay for your dinner/movie/play or whatever. That is just crass.

Dec 29 10 - 10:25am

OT, but niiiiiiiice choice of freja beha erichsen for the picture!

Jan 03 11 - 5:51am

I think it's fine to ask someone out and expect to split the tab as long as it's specified up front as part of the date request. My personal policy is I pay the first time I ask a woman out, split or alternate thereafter regardless of who initiates, unless it's something one wants to do that the other can't afford. One woman I dated briefly hated that; turned out she was a gold-digger and wanted me to pay for everything even though her income was five times higher than mine. Sure glad I found that out early on.

Jan 05 11 - 5:55pm
Libby Rumelt

@Cait I'm with you

Jan 12 11 - 8:41pm

@nomad - why would a gold digger be dating someone who makes 5x less than her? Some women are happy and comfortable in outdated "gender roles" regardless of whether they are necessary in today's society. Just like some women want to date tall, muscular men who can make them feel womanly and protected, plenty of women feel womanly and taken care if when a man pays for dinner. I've met plenty of men who are uncomfortable letting a woman pay as well...regardless of income levels. Personally, money is the last thing I consider when dating someone (it only matters if it interferes with he can't replace his ripped jeans, hewants to stay in every night because it's cheaper) but if a guy asks me out and then looks miffed when our bill comes, im totally turned off. It shows lack of grace. If you have trouble paying for a few cocktails, take me for coffee or something instead. I will offer to pay for things on my own, but if you tell me im paying this time since you paid last time at the end of a date, you won't see me again. I really hope you make it clear before the date is over that she is expected to pay at the end. Anyway, I think its unfair to associate this debate to sexism every time a woman lets a man pay. ive seen plenty of gay relationships where - if certain gender roles were adopted by people in the couple - that solved these debates. The one who acted out a masculine gender role would usually pay, open doors, and generally be more aggressive, as if s/he had to take care of the feminine one...gender =/= sex. But keep being bitter. It's a huge turn on.

Feb 08 11 - 7:41am

I pay. Sorry. Anacronistic male chauvanist whatever. If you go out with me, I'm going to grab the check. I don't know a ton about Lesbian etiquitte, but observing them in the wild (They used to have the gay pride festival right across from where my boat is docked), I saw some rather girlie looking women, and others that were so over-the-top machoed up they'd have had to don a handlebar mustache and a couple of bandalaros to take it any further. I always kind of assumed that the latter would naturally slide into the masculine role and do the door holding, etc. I see one "butch" above sort of confirming my ignorant assumption. Is it not generally so?

Mar 10 11 - 5:17pm

While that situation you describe may often be so, MOST lesbian relationships do not consist of a super femme and a bike-riding, leather clad butch dyke, or even close to such an extreme, hence the reason people like the letter-writer have these questions. In my experience, which is vast, the individuals take turns paying for things, with the person who makes more money perhaps paying a little more. I assume that is probably the way it works with most relationships.

Mar 10 11 - 5:21pm

And you sound like a really nice guy, but FYI, watching a few gay pride parades from across the street will not yield you very concrete information about the gay community.

Mar 22 11 - 8:26pm

yeah naaa what do i say if its two women yeah go ahead BUT two males THIS HAS TO STOP

Mar 24 11 - 6:32pm

I was raised that men should call the women, and that men should pay for things. Now that I'm older, I realize how limited that is. I mean, what kind of rules are we applying for our lives? Some have nothing to do with what we personally believe and can cause really hard feelings when misunderstandings happen. Here's my thing, it depends on the circumstances. If the guy wants to pay because he genuinely wants to, great! If the female wants to, great! If the man is just doing that because he believes he will gain sex, no so great.

As for lesbian relationships, in a way, its very liberating. You have a little more freedom in roles, but this can also be confusing. I just would like to live in a world where men and women weren't locked so tightly up in ideas that reflect society of 1911 than rather 2011. (And that includes the idea that lesbians couples have to include the sterotypical butch.)

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