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Savage Love: I love women, but I'm afraid to talk to them. How can I get over my shyness?

Here's my problem: I love women. I love the way they look, I love the way they move, I love the way they sound. I like to see them naked. But the idea of actually interacting with women — trying to engage them in intelligent conversation without coming off as absolutely leotarded — absolutely fucking terrifies me. I'm a virgin at thirty. I've never had a girlfriend. I've never been on a date. I've never even had a conversation with a woman that lasted longer than a couple of minutes and wasn't completely superficial and forced.

I cannot even imagine myself doing something assertive like approaching a woman and asking her out on a date. And no woman has ever approached me or even shown interest from what I could tell. Sex workers are out of the question because I don't want to risk some asshole cop busting me. Webcam sites are pretty much the only way I interact with women. Sad, no? I'm not at all afraid of vaginas — I'm afraid of women who have clothes on.

Got a piece of advice for me?

— Awkward And Alone

I've actually got two pieces of advice for you, AAA.

First piece: get your ass to a shrink — maybe a lady shrink — who can help you with your near-crippling social anxiety and maybe toss some meds your way.

Second piece: Hire a fucking sex worker, AAA, just don't fuck her. Paid companionship is not a crime — there's nothing illegal about paying an escort to escort you places. Find a nice woman, pay her for an hour or two of her time, and have a nice, polite conversation. If you like her, make another appointment, have another conversation. Cops — asshole or otherwise — only bust men when they offer money in exchange for sex, AAA, so don't offer money for sex, or accept her offer to have money for sex, and you won't get busted. And cops working undercover to bust johns don't make follow-up appointments or build ongoing relationships with clients. So if a woman sees you more than once — or twice, to be extra safe — she's not a cop.

Is everyone in the Republican Party a closeted homosexual?

— Ken Mehlman's Out Now

Everyone except Ken Mehlman and Ben Quayle.

I am a straight and, dare I say it, vanilla woman who met a straight man who somewhat reminds me of Clark Kent and Superman. He's seemingly mild-mannered, good-looking, pleasant, an all-around great guy, just like Clark Kent — and just like Superman, he likes to wear tights.

It ends up that he likes to be dominated, spanked, and buttfucked — and crossdress. Our sexual encounters are a bit different for me, to say the least, but I thoroughly enjoy them. I like spanking him, humiliating him, tying him up, and watching him try on panties (in which he looks darn good!). It's all rather exciting!

Does this mean that I'm a dominatrix? Would I act this way with other men, or is it just him? And finally, where do I go from here?

Being Deviant Satisfies Me

A dominatrix? That's a professional title, BDSM, and you're not planning to pursue a career in kink. (Are you?) To determine if you're genuinely and independently kinky and not just getting off on beating and binding the boyfriend because he gets off on it, you'll just have to beat and bind someone else sometime. As for where you go from here, BDSM, if you're in San Francisco or you can get there for a weekend, you might wanna sign up for Forte Femme, a weekend-long "sensual dominance intensive" hosted by kink superstar/supernova Midori. More info at

I'm a GGG thirty-eight-year-old single woman, longtime reader, first-time writer.

1. What is a cream pie?

2. Do you find it weird to be turned on by getting fondled up and aroused into sex while sleeping? I have a hard time communicating to partners that I want this! Can you give communication assistance so I don't sound so freaky?

— Freak In Phoenix

1. Google "cream pie." The first three results are relevant; the fourth ("Banana Cream Pie: Recipe") is not.

2. Your kink, FIP, barely moves the needle on my kink-o-meter. If you're having a hard time communicating your interest in fondled-while-asleep sex, just memorize this: "It turns me on to get fondled up and aroused into sex while sleeping."

Poopnoodle. I heard this word for the first time today. When I asked what, exactly, a poopnoodle is, I was told that a poopnoodle is what happens when you pee right after fucking someone hard in the ass. Poop gets stuck up in the dick hole and comes out in the form of a noodle when you piss. I was wondering if this is something that actually happens, and if so, can you deem "poopnoodle" the official Savage Love term for this occurrence?

— Couldn't Think Of An Acronym That Spelled Out "Poopnoodle"

If what you describe had ever actually happened to anyone, anywhere, ever, "poopnoodle" could be the official Savage Love term for it. But the poopnoodle never actually happens.

If you and your middle-school friends don't believe me, CTOAATSOP, here's what you should do: Go get a couple jars of creamy peanut butter or a few tubs of premade chocolate frosting. Refrigerate until firm. Get your dicks hard. Fuck your jars of peanut butter or tubs of premade frosting. Fuck them hard. Fuck them like they've been bad. Fuck them like you're never gonna recycle 'em. Then go take a piss. You will not produce a peanut butter or chocolate frosting noodle. I promise you.
And think about it, CTOAATSOP: buttfuckers fuck butt until they come. Wouldn't coming dislodge the poopnoodle?

Finally, some general advice for anyone out there who's interested in anal but now, thanks to CTOAATSOP here, fears the poopnoodle: wear a condom. A condom can protect you from the poopnoodle and HIV.

I am disturbd by the naked pic bribing you openly admittd & encouraged recently in yr last column. It reveals yr favoritism/elitism system & yr corruptd nature! You dont need critics to discredit yr "advice." you done it yrslf. You are Mr Sanctimoney!

— 509

I am disturbd by yr splling.

But I cannot tell a lie: enclosing a nude pic — good nude, bad nude, boy nude, girl nude — can get my attention. But it won't automatically get a letter into the column, 509. Letters with naked pics arrive in my inbox every day. I could run nothing but letters from readers who were kind and/or cruel enough to enclose pics of themselves, their partners, their welts, their rashes, etc., week-in, week-out, fifty-two weeks a year. And the letter from the guy in his early thirties who lost his virginity that appeared in last week's column — the dude who enclosed pics — was the first letter from a pic-encloser that I've used in ages.

So cut me some slack.

That said, slogging through hundreds of e-mails a day can get tedious. The odd pic or two — doesn't even have to be you — brightens the day and lightens the workload. So pics are always welcome.

And if you don't like it, 509, I suppose you could file charges with the professional body that governs my so-called profession... if there were a professional body that governed my so-called profession. But there isn't, poopnoodle, so suck it, take pics, and send 'em in.

Find the Savage Lovecast (my weekly podcast) every Tuesday at

Tags Anal Sex

Commentarium (15 Comments)

Sep 01 10 - 3:30am

How does AAA know he's not afraid of va-jay-jays if he's never been face-to-muff with one? How can he have never had an extended conversation with a woman? No sisters or female cousins? No female schoolmates or housemates? No lady colleagues? No random women met at a party/conference/wedding/etc? Something doesn't add up here.

Sep 01 10 - 10:38am

I wonder if AAA has trouble talking to anyone, but only notices his problems with women because he wants something from them (i.e., sex). If that's the case, it could be broader social anxiety related to something like Autism/Aspergers and not a female-specific tick.

Sep 01 10 - 12:36pm

I am excited to start calling people poopnoodles

Sep 01 10 - 2:46pm

"Poopnoodle!" I only wish it were would (and still might be) the next Dirty Sanchez...or Cleveland Steamer!

I too will be working this into my "inappropriate" vocabulary repertoire. Damn I love this advice column! Even when presented with "unicorns!"

Sep 01 10 - 3:09pm

I thought a poopnoodle was when you had to poo but your butthold wouldn't relax....

Sep 01 10 - 5:36pm

I have been diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder, so it's nice to hear about someone else with the same problems as me. I'm pretty disappointed with Dan's advice though, two years of therapy have done shit for me.

Sep 01 10 - 7:23pm

Looks like you're getting a lot of valuable advice here, Dan.

That social anxiety is indeed a bitch to deal with, I had it most of my life. Are you nervous & self-concious around other GUYS, or are you comfortable around them? If the answer is 'yes', then you approach a woman you know or are conveniently in a proper place together, just as friendly, open or charming as you would meeting a new guy.

If you're too preoccupied with just trying to make it through a conversation, they see that & want to run; if you approach a woman regarding a subject you would discuss with a man and not wear your heart on your sweaty sleeve, then she automatically down a couple notches on the 'beware' alert.

And dude, it's the truth: being anything other than yourself, a person who can be comfortable in their own skin and doesn't try to be anything more or less, is automatically more attractive to both sexes when they can feel the other's confidence in themselves.

Sep 02 10 - 12:10am

Social anxiety is tough row to hoe. Most people I've talked to with it(including relatives) have said therapists are little or no help. A good doctor could probably prescribe a mild medication to help calm you down. Another thing a friend said helped was finally believing that the other party is just as nervous as you. I myself would never be called Mr. Smooth around women, but wanting to spend time with a woman (and get laid to boot) pretty much supersedes any of my anxiety.
Don't talk too fast and think before you speak, That helps cut down on the later forehead slaps ("I can't believe I said that!" WHAP.)

Sep 02 10 - 2:38pm

A easier way would be to go online and meet someone through the personals. I'm not guaranteeing that AAA will have a romance or even get laid, but at least you'll be in a situation where you can practice talking with a woman you're attracted to.

Sep 03 10 - 2:25am

I don't pretend to have any insights into social anxiety disorder, but putting that aside, I'd ask AAA, "What's the worst thing that could happen?" Basically, as I imagine it, the worst thing would be for the woman to say, "You are a hideous, stupid toad with nothing interesting to say, and I wouldn't talk to you if you were the last person on earth." Right, something like that? Or maybe just embarrassed silence and edging away from you, perhaps with a transparently false excuse that lets you know she thinks you're a hideous, stupid toad, etc., but is too polite to come out and say so. So what? So what if 99 women do that? How are you any worse off than you are now? And if the 100th woman takes you home and fucks your brains out, then it's pretty much all worth while, no?

Sep 03 10 - 3:24pm

Good advice to AAA to get to a shrink and talk. Another useful thing might be to start some activity (badminton, frisbee, knitting, basket weaving, whatever) that's at least partially social and that has a decent ratio of men to women. The activity provides some reason to be in the same place, gives an automatic thing to talk about, and gives cover for awkward moments-- you just go back to focusing on the activity. Over time (and it can take some time) AAA might slip and forget someone is a woman and just chat because they're there and sharing a common interest and realize it's not a whole lot different from talking to men, or anyone else.

Sep 04 10 - 3:24pm

The idea of counseling (which is what any advice columnist would suggest) is a good idea in theory, but it presupposes that AAA has a job, maybe even one with decent health insurance, that will enable him to pay for it. If his anxiety disorder is sufficiently controllable that he can get and hold a job, it seems like he should be able to make small talk with anyone, albeit briefly, and eventually go from there. If he can't hold a job? Then I'm out of ideas.

Sep 05 10 - 9:21pm
Jeff Kelly

In my experience, while the general suggestion of getting counseling might be sound, it doesn't help you very much with social anxiety problems.

I've been to Therapy for more than 5 years with different therapists and while I could work on some issues it never helped me get over my social anxiety.

Somehow I always had the feeling that the therapists never even 'got' what my problems where. At the end I was five years older but none the wiser.

None of the therapists I went to (and sunk a lot of money into) ever got the idea that there might be something other than just psychological issues I suffered from.

To make a long story short last year I was diagnosed with ADD (I'm 33 years now) and the fact that I realized it might be that was entirely a coincidence although I basically served my therapists all of the symptoms on a silver platter all those years (I found an expert who went through my old files and basically told me on my first appointment)

I am currently taking medication and it's the only thing that's really helping me with many of my social problems that I tried unsuccessfully to treat with therapy. I am now for the first time able to cope with stressful social situations without totally freaking out.

A lot of the suggestions in this thread, while being well intentioned, don't take into account that that kind of anxiety cannot be fought by strength of will alone.

Many people with social anxiety disorders in reality suffer from Aspergers, ADD or other autism spectrum disorders without knowing it in those cases counseling alone will not cut it.

So I'd suggest to AAA to get counseling but to look for an expert that is familiar with those disorders just so he doesn't spend 5 years on therapy that doesn't get him anywhere, like I did.

Sep 08 10 - 12:00pm

AAA, it's simple. Learn how to communicate. It's a skill people rarely learn (some have it instinctively, some don't), but it is possible to improve on. Read books on assertiveness and communication skills, and learn things like how to: Be interested instead of trying to be interesting, ask follow-up questions, have a variety of interesting topics to discuss (and what to avoid), etc. If you have the tools, it will help you relax. Worked for me, not only in dating, but non-sexual social situations, work, relatives, etc. to create deeper, more personal connections. Takes time and practice, but it's worth it!

Nov 28 11 - 5:42pm

Hi nto All
Please, give me some info about most popular dating sites: mens, womens, teens.
With best regards

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