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    Heart of Glass

    We met at his place. I was wearing the snappy coat I only break out for parties. He had on a purple bomber jacket with a tiger woven into the back. It was a first date. He was taking me to a party, which was great — plenty of conversation buffers, and you're allowed to get drunker than you can at a restaurant.

    He was ready to go. He just wanted to watch the last ten minutes of American Idol first, so we plopped down on his couch. The screen was paused on a blonde girl who was thrusting an entire microphone into her enormous maw. When I told him I'd never seen the show, he briefly made a face like the priest in The Exorcist, then became visibly excited to deflower me to the experience.

    We watched the last ten minutes of the show, then rewound it and watched the first fifty. After we finished American Idol, we watched an episode of Ugly Betty, then an episode of Lost, then two episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Then the night was over. We had sex and went to sleep.

    Your first few dates with someone are allegedly make-or-break. You're supposed to plan something that makes you seem creative and carefree, but not desperate — arranging a tandem parasail, for instance, might seem a bit eager. But television? Until recently, a TV-based first or second date would get a person blacklisted. But today, somehow, it seems to be okay. Here this guy and I were in his apartment, our first time hanging out, two reasonably social people who'd skipped a party in favor of having a threesome with America Ferrera.

    Previously, the TV date was just an excuse to make out. But based on an informal poll of friends, they now function as legitimate activities in and of themselves, with several hours of genuine, attentive TV viewing before getting down to it, the same way you and your date might linger over dessert before heading home for a nightcap.

    "Necking" is the only appropriate term for the fractionally erotic endeavor of making out in front of the TV.

    Twenty-six-year-old Arianne recently experienced a TV-based third date with a man named Jeff. She thinks the rise of TV dating has coincided with our growing tendency to evaluate people based on their responses to things, as opposed to their own original thoughts and actions. "You used to judge people based on what they said and what they did," she says. "Now you judge them on how they react." And she's right — my date had wanted to see my reaction to Idol. Inadequate enthusiasm on my part could have sunk me right there: Doesn't like Idol? Not my type.

    Arianne went out with Jeff a few more times after that first date, but eventually she ended it. She couldn't get past the fact that he'd laughed at all the wrong parts of The Daily Show — the broader humor and bleeped-out profanities, but not the subtler, more ironic jokes. Could it be that Jeff's mistimed reactions indicated a lack of nuance? Arianne wondered.

    There's more than a whiff of pop-culture hysteria ensconced in the TV date. We routinely list upward of twenty "Favorite TV Shows" in our online personal ads. We edit these lists down to a mix of the frivolous and the profound — A lover of D-Listed AND MacNeil/Lehrer? That'll make 'em wet. We'll toss in WKRP in Cincinnati for quirk value. And we fret when confronted with the profile belonging to that person who we thought could be our soulmate — until we noticed their proudly admitted obsession with reruns of Mad About You.

    At some point during Lost, the guy in the sexy purple bomber jacket changed into ill-fitting sweats, and I removed my party-ready coat. We began necking, which seems the only appropriate term for the fractionally erotic endeavor that is half-making out, half-watching TV. This ambivalent foreplay continued intermittently for the next two-and-a-half hours, a choppy, tepid session that neither of us felt comfortable escalating out of fear we'd miss an important plot point. By the time we retired to the bedroom, what had started as genuine sexual tension had deflated like a Mylar balloon.

    Commentarium (7 Comments)

    May 14 07 - 5:09pm

    I swear this same thing happened to me on a first date a few months ago but it was the NBA playoffs and then 2 episodes of Rome (mid-season and I'd never seen any of the earlier episodes.

    At first I was apalled and I tried to be open minded since this guy was hot, but was clearly not the right relationship fit for me, especially as I a)do not watch a lot of television in general b) do not watch sports.

    We ended up having a pretty much sex only relationship for 5 weeks or so. I would go over to his house (since he had cable and a big flatscreen tv) on weeknights and we'd watch tv, drink a bottle of wine and go to bed. With each week my arrival time became later and later 8pm, 9:30pm, 11pm and then midnight. Clearly I just wanted one thing and in the limited time we spent actually conversing I realized that this dude was lacking in the realm of personality. Then it got to the point that after sex he would turn on the tv in his bedroom. That was the tipping point for me.

    So I really think that this is NOT an acceptable first date. There's something to be said for the awkwardness of a first date. I think it's how we handle the awkwardness that determines whether or not the chemistry exists. I also think that a tv date for people who meet online is potentially very dangerous as you are not around other people. Someone who is not willing to meet you publicly for the first time is a red flag in my book.

    May 19 07 - 7:37pm

    A first date in front of the tv is just a guy copping out and not making any effort to court his lady. How boring! Ladies please don't reward such behaviour by having sex with the guy. He doesn't deserve it and is unlikely to value you unless he has had to work for it.

    May 20 07 - 10:17am

    your writing style is too glib. that went out with the 80s.
    why don't you try a mix of '90s 'over the top' sincerity and gnostic renaissance blither blather? you know, profile daters who are into new age issues and tantric yoga and how we're all humming to a faster spirtual vibe?
    just a suggestion.

    May 29 07 - 2:44am

    what happened to the renting-video/DVD-and-watching-a-movie date? personally, i would be wary of someone who watches that much TV. i mean, no wonder it gets boring. John Stewart is an exception to the rule, but American Idol, ugh. this reality show craze, even among perfectly intelligent people, it's very disturbing to me. it's all just mind numbing, dumbed down "entertainment" with no redeeming values whatsoever. people! you got to get away from the DumbBox! that stuff is poisoning our culture.
    i think movies are a great way to get some first impressions about what someone is like. and staying in to watch a movie is kinda cozy. this might be because i was raised watching a very diverse range of films because my father has been working in the business since i was s little kid. so if my date even likes the idea of watching a movie at home over watching TV he gets big bonus points for that alone. but a person's taste in movies can say a lot about their interests and what their opinions are about something that's worth talking about afterwards. and also how open he may be to new things if i know a lot more about film than he does, and i can see how he reacts to suggestions that say something about who i am. so this is really just my own personal preference, but the point i'm trying to make here is, there are alternatives to zoning out in front of the TV if you want to have a stay-in date. beware of TV addicts, you'll be guaranteed a dull relationship, if you even get that far. unless dull is what the young folks are into these days...

    Sep 27 07 - 4:45pm

    Are you serious? A "TV date"?
    Who even owns a TV these days, let alone actually sits down to watch it with other people, in lieu of a date? So you're getting to know each other with Tide commercials and crappy reality TV shows playing in the background? Sounds like you're headed for a double-wide trailer and domestic abuse...

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