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 DISPATCHES started 1996 as a resource for parents, to demystify useless MPAA terms like "adult content" and "thematic elements" by describing the "objectionable" content of films in explicit detail. But the site is useful for non-parents, too. Thinking of adding that sexy-looking Angelina Jolie movie to your Netflix queue? Look it up on Screen It to find out exactly how much nipple she shows. Curious about that stomach-churning twist in a new horror film? Screen It won't give blatant spoilers, but it will disclose all the gory details.

On top of that, Screen It is great fun to browse. Every film is ranked in fifteen different categories, some of them obvious (Violence, Sex/Nudity, Profanity), others less so (Imitative Behavior, Scary Music). Under each heading is an amusingly comprehensive list of every element in the film that falls into that category. For example, the Guns/Weapons list for X-Men includes "retractable claws;" the Profanity list for Bend it Like Beckham includes the word "boobs;" and the Imitative Behavior list for Austin Powers warns that "some children may imitate Powers's speech patterns."

Can you identify a film by its objectionable content? Take this quiz to find out (all lists are taken from Finish the quiz and, based on your answers, we'll tell you what MPAA rating best describes you. — Gwynne Watkins

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