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Reader Feedback on "How Insensitive"
I agree, those of us who have been cut don't know what we're missing. I have one question on the matter of pleasure: In American media, expressions of extreme sexual pleasure are something that women give, not men. Men's sexual pleasure is mild, in comparison. Would the opposite be true if it was the woman's most sensitive parts were removed, instead of the man's?
How Insensitive? Not really. I was circumcised when I was 20 and there is not much difference. Now at 37 my glans is still pretty sensitive. My only objection to circumcision is the cruel method that most have to go through it. As unconsenting newborns and without anasthesia, that is really beyond sick. Sex is just as good with or without a foreskin. Peace and love to all.
honestly i am not sure i completely buy this argument. finger tips and lips are two of the most sensitive parts of the body, with dramatically higher concentration of Hooksexup endings than other parts of the body (excluding genitals, i presume). Do your finger tips lose sensitivity over time because they touch things? i don't think so. you could make the counter-argument: parts of the body that are stimulated regularly make more connections with the brain thus igniting more sensation. a lack of contact could arguably dull sensation. the bottom line is that we will never know, tests like these notwithstanding: its not possible for the same person to be both cut and uncut at the same time. individuals who artificially create foreskin are nutcases and not to be trusted on this matter. i will tell you this from my own experience: i am cut male who has been told throughout his life by girlfriends that i enjoy blowjobs much more than most. i can't imagine enjoying one more (or sex, for that matter, when its good). i am not sure that i would wish more pleasure on my son -- i don't think it would do him any good. having said that, we did not circumcize our son because its silly -- elective plastic surgery, who needs it.
MM, perhaps if "for [you] to climax with a partner requires a level of technical precision on the part of the other person akin to safe-cracking", it would behoove you to take responsibility for that yourself, rather than blaming men at large for your tragically unhappy lot in life. Otherwise: good article, confirms what most of us have already figured out. Yes, uncircumcised men definitely have periods of insensitivity/overstimulation, but everyone I know who's been with cut and uncut men comments on how much softer and more sensitive the uncut, protected glans is. So, MM, I don't think anyone wants or needs your "sympathy" -- they're simply asking that, if you have a (male) kid, you don't let anyone take a blade to his genitals.
MM - WHAT?? KC - Thank you very much! DD - You are right, you are fine just the way you are. That being said.... Exactly half of my sexual partners have been uncut (8 out of 16). And let me tell you - the cut ones ARE missing out, totally. This is an entire organ that is being removed. I think most of us picture it as being some small amount of tissue which is true at the time. But as an adult - that's A LOT of tissue. My last boyfriend (who was uncut) explained to me that he feels like guys who are cut are at a disadvantage because his foreskin covers the head, the most sensitive part, and that circumcised men's head's are constantly touching something, like underwear, thus making them more insensitive. Holy run on sentence! This doesn't have much of an affect on MY end of the deal, imo. EXCEPT that guys with foreskin tend to be more generous lovers, I have found. But that could just be the person, too. The uncut guys I've been with seem to enjoy sex (especially oral sex) more...I can't really explain how though. Maybe since 80% of cut males in the world live in this country the practice should stop (considering the complications of being uncut are actually RARE) and see what happens to the self esteem of men in our culture.
Well, I'm intact, and those moments where I feel nothing are there as well. Waiting forever to orgasm. Chafing. Sometimes never orgasming. It happens to us all. Don't let this article affect your mental sexual state. Whether you're cut or not, you're fine the way you are.
MM, although I'm sorry you haven't had the best of sexual partners, it doesn't follow that we should continue to subject newborns to unnecessary and occasionally dangerous amputations... just to make them better at giving you orgasms when they grow up?? Just as young girls have a basic right to an intact clitoris, neither should young boys have their genitals mutilated for the sake of hygiene, aesthetics, and their future partners sexual pleasure. It's one thing if an adult man chooses to undergo the procedure, it's quite another to perform elective amputations on infants simply because we don't trust our boys to take care of their own bodies. As an ardent feminist who believes that control over our own bodies is a basic human right, I have trouble accepting the practice of circumcision under any justification save immediate medical necessity.
Maybe I'm a hater but as a female (and a medical professional), I have a hard time sympathesizing with a man complaining about lack of sensation. Maybe that has to do with the fact that I've had partners climax practically upon entry (they were circumcised, however). And maybe it's because for me to climax with a partner requires a level of technical precision on the part of the other person akin to safe-cracking, as such it rarely happens (although I can get myself there quite easily). So, until the day approaches when orgasm is an almost guaranteed result of heterosexual sex for women the way it is for men (and considering sex usually stops when the man finishes), I remain rather unsympathetic considering the health (primary) and aesthetic (distant secondary) benefits of the procedure.

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