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Reader Feedback on "Heidi Klum Wearing Just Paint"
Funny, when I point at something that represents my marriage, it usually is the dying cactus that moonlights as an ashtray on the stack of Hustlers I use for a nightstand. Another wonderful piece by Mr. Lombardi, who I am considering stalking -- possibly even assassinating, as the arc of his talent could unwittingly lacerate the space-time continuum, which would mean I could no longer eke out my existence pretending to work while mentally masturbating to orgies I shall never attend. The devil you know....
very vivid. this scenario totally made me laugh. It's like he writes what everyone thinks, or dreams/wishes about, in a very real way.
weird. i just read this at the mac store. don't know why that's weird, but this story was fucking amazing. nice work!

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