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Reader Feedback on "I Did It for Science: Sex and the City Marathon"
I actually thought this was quite funny. The idea sounded dated to me at first because the show was huge for many years, but it was amusing to watch Rev. Jen test her sanity while adding snippets of the show's plotlines.
You should totally try buffy the vampire slayer from the beginning. Its even worse. Especially when you start jonesing for Spike and keep watching with the hopes that he'll get it on with somebody.
Plenty of straight men like Sex and/in the City. We think the characters can help us figure out the straight women who like Sex and/in the City. "Since when is ASS on the menu?"
Rev. Jen, You are an amazing writer. I loved "Rear Window." Funny and titillating at the same time. How is that even possible? But this Sex and the City thing, not working for you girl. Let's get back to the irreverent material that makes you great. By the way, have you ever thought about putting together a book of your Hooksexup essays? I would buy it!
I'm with the guy who left at 5am. My wife loved that show and it made me fucking miserable.
Jen, you are no doubt amazing to hang out with and a really fun girl, but could your columns be ANY more lame lately? C'mon...I know you can do something besides watch an old tv show or babysit! Please do something interesting, adventurous, something I would want to read about. Your talents are wasted with this stuff.
At first, when you made the comment regarding the kryptonite effect of SITC on hetero men, I thought... "Well, I guess it's just me..." After all, I did have a girlfriend who loved me because I was "just gay enough.." But your point about us going to school on those femmes was well-taken. They may be overly fictitious, but there is an element of wide-eyed fascination going on with guys like myself... though, we generally keep it closted. I dated someone so similar to Charlotte I thought I was seeing double. I will always be hungry for her-- requited but not long-lived. (She moved away to sing on a cruise ship, rather than in "Rent." Go figure.) So Charlotte is my object of desire on that show, despite Sarah Jessica Parker's sweet charm. I like the show, sue me.
You could have just asked your readers. That DVD set goes for about $20 in China. I would have traded for the pot cookie. [email protected]
As always, Rev. Jen, funny, pithy, and right on the button. (No pun intended. Ok, so it was intended.) EXCEPT you are stultifyingly wrong about Mikhail. Come ON! Watch that episode again. CARRIE was the ass - so childish, so self-centered, so xenophobic. All of Mikhail's friends make reasonable attempts to be friendly but Carrie can't understand the bulk of their conversations - and thus Mikhail is a dickhead? He leaves her alone for a little while at one of the biggest events of his life and he's inconsiderate? How come she can't even take a moment to look at his work? This is why the French hate us. American independence? Balls and bollocks. The only way Mikhail could've naturalized Carrie was to give up his career and play nursemaid and translator to that fashion whore for the rest of his days. Carrie's more than a princess; she's the Anti-Feminist, TV's proof that you've gone a long way, baby, right off the deep end.

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