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Reader Feedback on "Captain Hook"
good show i did get into it i hope more comes of it
JT and SPC... you obviously don't understand what these courses are really about! But then again, you are men or women.. who don't understand the difference between the female brain and the male brain... We are wired differently... It is not about taking advantage of stupid women... which by the way I find very offensive to say, at all... It's about communicating on their level, in their language, in a way that women like, enjoy and understand! Key word! Understand and are very very aware of! Hello! You don't get it! Too bad for you! Because you are unaware of the Female Internal/creative Right brain language, and the left brain, external, linear, logical language, you are missing out! You are the one's who go out and lie, say anything to get laid! We actually present a classier, more respectable and acceptable level of communication and body language... I would love to see you go out and meet women... I bet you bomb completely in just the communication department... as all men do! Men don't get it... See ya!
Wow... how are you clueless... Wow.. You really don't have a clue do you? I am a very attractive guy with a great heart... And as a woman, you have no idea what it is like to meet a woman or decent girl... Women are unbeliveable rough and down right cruel to men who don't have the perfect way to approach, meet and get a girls' number... To make it worse, women suck at meeting men, and don't have to... It's still the man's job to put up with the crap and take all the risks'... etc... Here is your quote "More than anything, these guys desperately want to learn how to have normal interactions with girls — and after Mystery's done with them, they still won't have a clue." To me, sounds like you are heartless to men leading normal lives and feeling comfortable dating! All I am saying, is show some compassion towards these guys... Hey, I have struggled with women my entire life... Now, I have a better understanding and more importantly, much more comfortable meeting women... Ok, ok... I admitt, Mystery does come off as an odd ball, and a bit immature... I agree.. I also realize, he really is helping these guys and yes! This stuff really works.... I guess the real qualm most women have with men understanding how to communicate with them, and carry a decent conversation, is that now men have evened the playing ground... Now men have just as much choice as to whom they want to date, as women do! And, women don't like that! Women want all the power in relationships.... Best of wishes...
It's not that women, as a group, are dumb enough to fall for this stuff. It's that so many of the women that Mystery and his minions target are dumb enough. Or at least impressionable enough. A skilled seducer is not just good at playing a game--more than half of the deal is choosing the right target. Also, thank you, Gwynne, for the Breakfast Club analogy. I have always resented John Hughes for ruining the coolest (and cutest) character in that movie. Urgh.
It's horrible, of course, but there's a massive demand for this. What else are 40 year old virgins supposed to do? This is grasping at last straws, and when there are no other options left, giving guys like this a check for $3000 (or whatever they're currently charging) is better than nothing, and they know it. Even the nice guys who have fallen through the social cracks can only hope that they can learn what the master manipulators can teach, and then use those powers for good instead of evil. It's somewhat delusional, of course, but when you're facing a lifetime of social isolation and enforced celibacy, it's all you can hope for. Every 40 year old virgin (or those facing such a possibility) are reading this and asking themselves, but what other options are being offered? If just 'joining a club" had worked, it would have worked decades ago. Where else can someone go to learn essential social skills?
The real problem is that women are stupid enough to fall for this stuff.
I only idly flipped through "The Game" at B&N one rainy Sunday afternoon some time ago, but as I recall the author portrayed "Mystery" as an absolute train wreck of a human being, incapable of sustaining a relationship. His childhood must have been Caligula-esque. Not the sort of man whose schtick you'd want to emulate past the opening lines. Its quite easy to be a pick-up artist if you hold women in utter contempt. Getting cold-shouldered, bitch-slapped or having a drink thrown in your face nine times out of ten hardly hurts if you regard women as being lower than whales***t going in.
On the upside, eight weeks is porbably not enough to turn them into mini-mysterys. They will, though, have some basic knowledge about social interactions that other people, as Gynne aptly said, pick up instinctively. So, really Mr. Asshat (I'm sorry, I think the guys doing not doing a bad thing, but the muppet hat is NOT GOOD) is giving a course flirting for engineers, and god knows, they need it.
Nice take on this... That is the real problem not the ethics but where you end up in the end...

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