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Johnny, 25

What do you do for a living?
I'm trying to get into the medical field, whether as a physician's assistant or whatever. I'm taking a couple of courses now.

What is your sexual orientation?
I'm straight.

What's your relationship status?
My girlfriend of three years broke up with me last week. After a funeral.

That's terrible!
It's okay.

How are you taking it?
I'm pretty fine so far. I was convinced to come here because my best friend's girlfriend, who's hot, told me to get dressed up. So I said "Fine, whatever."

Great reasoning. Are you planning on jumping back into the dating pool, or are you going to take a break?
I would like to start dating again. People say that I'm really good on my feet. Not to mention that I've been hit on today like twelve times, by both males and females.

There are a lot of possibilities here.
Eight guys, four women. But I'm going for the women.

What are you looking for?
If I see a woman, I want to see a smile. If I don't see the right smile, I can't deal with it. She has to have eyes that are really attractive. Maybe like hazel brown? And a good laugh.

How are you impressing the ladies who hit on you?
Well, when I was trying to get ladies just to get with them, I had a line.

Lay it on me.
My favorite line is, "I just came back from the future, and I saw that you and I are still together ten years from now."

How many times has that worked for you?

Your luck might change today!
I've used it four times, but still, zero-percent success rate so far.

Any crazy hookup stories?
One time, I ended up streaking for a girl who later ended up being a regular weekend fling. It was a bet I had lost in a beer-pong match. We were drunk. I lost, I streaked.

How long were you guys hooking up?
Two years. We were Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman before that movie came out. They based it off of us.

Oh really? What's the most unusual place you've had sex?
I was in a car, parked outside a university. The car was shaking, and a cop stopped by to check in on us. He said, "I'm not going to report this. Just finish and go." Those were his exact words.

Was it hard to finish then?
No, it was like I had the stamp of approval.

You didn't feel any pressure from the law?
No, but I did want him to walk away so I could finish quickly. Then I tried harder to go faster.

What's the craziest thing you've done to get laid?

Do you have a special song?
I pick "Those Summer Nights" by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, and instead of singing "Wonder what she's doing now," I sing, "Wonder who she's doing now."

I see what you did there. Does it work?


Grace, 24

What do you do for a living?
I'm a student.

What's your relationship status?

Congrats! When you met your fiancé, how did you impress him?
I was actually dating one of his friends at the time and I guess I just tried to be myself and to be really comfortable around him. I just tried to be curious about what he was doing. He didn't put up a front. He didn't try to be a different kind of person around other people. He was always the same. He was really motivated. He worked really hard and knew what he wanted to do with himself. He wasn't lazy.

How did he propose?
It was on our anniversary, and I knew he had my grandmother's ring, so I was thinking it was going to happen that night. I thought it was going to be at dinner and I was getting nervous about a public proposal and how I was going to deal with that. But he actually just woke me up, with roses all around, and came into bed with me and proposed just as I was waking up. It was perfect.

Do you have any funny or embarrassing hookup stories from your past?
He's right behind me, so hopefully he doesn't hear me, but the one time a friend and I were at a hostel in Barcelona and we brought guys back to our room. There were like, fifteen people in one room. It was probably not the smartest thing, but I was young and stupid.

Any crazy exes?
Oh God, yes. Once, when I broke up with someone, I found out he had had two other girlfriends when he was with me and when I ran into him a year later, he still said he was in love with me and wanted to come back to me. It was laughable.

What's the most unusual place you've had sex?
On a dance floor.

Were you at a club, then?
Yeah, it got pretty intense. Definitely.

Do you believe in soulmates?
I do, but I don't think there's only one. I think you can find a soulmate and if it doesn't work out, there are other ones out there as well.

Gay marriage was just legalized in New York. Do you think it could happen here?
Yes. I think we'll be one of the next states to go. For sure.

Would you have sex with Rahm Emanuel?


Rudy, 67

What do you do?
I'm retired. I live eighty-something miles from here. I've been wanting to come to this parade for over twenty years. I decided today that I was going to come. Took two trains to get here with my son and I'm having a ball.

What's your sexual orientation?
I'm male. I'm one-hundred-percent male. But I have no qualms with whatever a person decides to do. You live and let live.

Does that mean you're straight?
Yes. Like I said, I'm all man. I'd like to get the opportunity to tell you. Since you're working now, maybe we can meet up later. You will know I'm a one-hundred-percent man.

Oh, really! What's your relationship status?
I'm widowed. My wife died from doing drugs.

I'm so sorry. How long ago was that?
Four years ago. I haven't had any sex since then, so I think you're taking a chance on interviewing me at this point.

Are you sexually frustrated?
Not really; I enjoyed myself as a youth. As a youth, I was really wild until I got married. I think I had enough sex by the time I was twenty-five to last me until seventy-five.

Do you have any crazy hookup stories from your past?
Well, once I was a Chicago city bus driver. Me and a couple friends of mine stopped in at a place on Halsted, and there were these five ladies sitting at the bar. We walked in, we partied, and I grabbed one of the ladies, and when she stood up, she was six-foot-five. I didn't pay any attention to that, but I was a little embarrassed because she was much taller than me. So we danced and when I got back to the table, I told my friends, "Wow, I feel like I was just dancing with a man!" and they said, "You were."

What normally attracts you to a lady?
Just somebody honest and cute and about... twenty-five years younger than me.

How do you impress somebody like that?
With my fingers crossed.

What's the craziest place you've had sex?
I don't know if there is one. But at home, my cat's been trying to get in my bed. She's been licking herself a lot lately, tryin' to get me hot, but I refuse.

Oh, so your cat's trying to turn you on? What's the most desperate thing you've done to get laid?
Nothing. I'm the kind of guy that just prefers love and affection. I have never paid for sex in my life and if I never have sex again, I'm okay with that.

I'm sure some ladies like to hear that.
I'm an affectionate kind of guy.

Gay marriage was just legalized in New York. Do you think it'll happen in Illinois or Michigan?
It might. I'll tell you this: I'm from the old school. I would've never thought that things that are happening now would come about. The new generation has a lot of dealin' to do with life. Quite a few more things to deal with than I had to deal with.

You said you've been wanting to come to this parade for twenty years, why this year?
Because I was able to save enough money for the two trains.

Was it worth the trip?
Oh yes, really. Especially you.

Interviews and photography by Ruth Tam. Want to talk to strangers in your town? Email

Commentarium (73 Comments)

Jun 28 11 - 12:37am

You picked a hell of a week to not be in New York!

Also -- lotta straight people at Chicago pride, huh?

Jun 28 11 - 10:13pm

was thinking the same thing...come on, Hooksexup! just for pride week, could you have a few more queer people??

Jun 28 11 - 12:47am

These ones rocked. also it was refreshing as hell to hear Richard acknowledge that this generation has a hell of a lot of problems, as opposed to the typical "back in my day..."

PS Grace and Angela are hot as hell
PPS Johnny's a hilarious dude

Jun 29 11 - 2:32pm

@......: Did you actually read the interviews? It's Rudy, not Richard, and what he said was "The new generation has a lot of dealin' to do with life. Quite a few more things to deal with than I had to deal with." In other words, "back in my day..."

Jun 28 11 - 6:16am

Jesus, does Michelle come off like an absolute train wreck to anybody else?

Jun 28 11 - 12:49pm

ok, ok, i played it up a little b/c who wants to read boring sex stories? You can't keep it classy all the time, Duh. Sometimes you gotta handle your fun like you handle your business. Thanks for your concern, but i'm still on the tracks.

Jun 28 11 - 5:17pm

Nice to see you here Michelle. Now some advice - next time you try it in a hammock, do it standing up.

Jun 28 11 - 9:58pm
aly monster

if by train wreck you mean ridiculously funny, crazy talented, smart, selfless, adventurous, fearless, strong, independent, wild, educated, opinionated, honest, well spoken, and overall a real doll to be around, then yes....i too think michelle is a train wreck. michelle is a leader amongst not only her friends but also to the community with the multitude of events that she coordinates and participates in. she is truly an inspiration, a lovely lady, and a scholar. okay the "lady" part might be a stretch, but the rest has been an understatement to what a truly amazing put together person she is. in conclusion, to all you cumquats out there sippin on the haterade, being judgey is a slippery slope, take a mental note. i know from experience. also, i hope your babies look like monkeys.

Jun 29 11 - 11:08am

@aly monster -
the vast, VAST majority of the folks interviewed (here and in the past) are probably standup individuals. The impression someone makes in a 5 minute interview is only ever going a brief snapshot of who that person is, the mood they were in, and the way that the author wants to spin the character that person creates.

But by agreeing to the interview, all the interviewees implicitly agree to the idea that the character they provide will be put up for anonymous and uber-critical judgment by the rest of us on the internets. It's what makes the web a playground. Be cool with it, or for your sake, never visit 4chan.

Jun 30 11 - 3:55am
aly monster

agreed. just wasnt gonna let my home skillet get torn apart without an opinon on the matter. i have no idea what 4chan is. im slightly more tech savvy than my 65 year old father who clicks on gambling pop ups all the time and thinks he is going to win millions some day. last time i went home he had a speech prepared for when the publishers clearing house comes to drop off his crazy oversized check. real life. my life. the internets is no place for me though, you are right. i prefer books. oh, and masturbating, sometimes with a sandwich in one hand.

Jun 28 11 - 6:24am

Really? Not too many gays at pride this year, just drunk and maladapted straight people.

Jun 28 11 - 8:24pm

yes yes yes, yes.

Jun 28 11 - 6:26am

So now I'm curious, how hot is Ruth?

Jun 28 11 - 8:28am

Clearly, "very"

Jun 28 11 - 7:07am

Hooksexup. Really? You went to the fucking gay pride parade and interviewed almost all straight people? There's never any homos in this feature on the regular, and we can't even get them when you go to a fucking pride parade?

Jun 28 11 - 7:18am

Johnny is a rainbow despite what he claims.

Jun 28 11 - 9:43am

I have a hard time believing Johnny is straight.

Jun 28 11 - 10:28am

Oh, please, SanClair. I agree that it is a bit weird that so many straight people are featured in a Pride edition of TTS, but it is definitely not true that there are "never any homos on the regular." A number of recent editions have featured lesbian couples. Hooksexup is a super gay-friendly site... why bother fretting at allies like this?

Jun 28 11 - 1:09pm
some bitchcunt

if straight people didn't go to pride it would have no potential to be a massive celebration. get over yourself

Jun 28 11 - 3:39pm
Tina Yothers

This group is half straight and half gay. Gay rights takes a step backwards every time someone writes an annoying comment like that.

Jun 28 11 - 4:50pm

It has one gay person and one bisexual person. It's not even approaching half gay, and it's not half LGBT.

Human rights take a step backwards every time someone doesn't understand fractions.

Jun 28 11 - 4:52pm

And some bitchcunt -- we don't need to you to deign to help us beef up our numbers, thanks. I wouldn't show up at the PR Pride Parade to help make it a more massive celebration.

Jun 30 11 - 3:04am

No lesbians, just one bisexual who reinforces every negative stereotype in the book about bisexual women? Awesome.

Jun 28 11 - 7:13am

How about that Rudy. You 're a top bloke my brother..

Jun 28 11 - 2:50pm

Initially I thought he was a bit creepy, but now I think he is my new hero

Jun 28 11 - 8:39am

Angela, you are everything I ever fantacize about in a woman!

Jun 28 11 - 8:56am

God yes! Beautiful, bi, and knows what she likes!

Jun 28 11 - 10:43am

You two can have her. She reads like a caricature of an actual human being.

Jun 28 11 - 11:17am

I agree with @wow.

Jun 28 11 - 1:19pm

I bet she's great in bed

Jun 28 11 - 2:28pm

She seems like a totally fucking nut and not in a good way. Probably would be the most regrettable fuck you'd have.

Jun 28 11 - 3:40pm

Your dog would be dead within a week of sleeping with her. But the sex would be fantastic.

Jun 29 11 - 2:25pm

I was pretty dismissive of her too, until the very last quote: "I think you should be happy no matter what you are or who you are." That is truly profound. If more people actually believed that, we would have a much better society, regardless of how messed up each of us is individually.

Jul 03 11 - 11:29am

Truly profound in a Mr. Rogers' kind of way.

Jun 28 11 - 9:08am

Michelle is off-putting. Angela and Grace are babes, but seem silly to wife it up.

Jun 28 11 - 10:30am

Angela is beautiful. great pic. She seems very cool.

Jun 28 11 - 10:31am

Michelle is in her first relationship at 32. TROUBLE!

Jun 28 11 - 12:38pm

yes? oh, i heard "Trouble" and I thought you called my name. to my credit, it was loud but i'm pretty sure i said it was my first "good" relationship...

Jun 28 11 - 1:31pm


Jun 28 11 - 1:33pm

Actually, you didn't say first "ggod" relationship. So, that's what got me confused. You seem pretty cool and a bit outrageous in a fun way!

Jun 28 11 - 1:36pm

And , actually, your vomit story is hilarious! I can't imagine why you wouldn't have wanted the guy to go down on you!

Jun 28 11 - 12:37pm

to be clear: a SEXY Skeletor.

Jun 28 11 - 5:58pm

I loved that part, lol.

Jun 28 11 - 12:39pm

Angela seemed hot at first but then by the end of her interview I found her to be a little crass. Maybe she was drunk. Also beware the faux lesbo! I am serious - some gals claim to be bi, but when it all comes down to it they've only had relationships with men.

Jun 28 11 - 1:56pm

That doesn't mean they haven't had sex with women. One of the stigmas that tends to surround bi people is that they're just faking, which I've never fully understood. Sexuality is fluid and I think it's possible to go through stages or perhaps to love one person only of the opposite gender or any myriad of combinations.

Jun 28 11 - 2:22pm

Love how self-effacing and candid that Michelle girl is. She seems to have a good sense of humor about everything which I think is key to not being labeled a 'slut'. She seems candid about her exploits....I always marvel at girls that come off 'liberated' as opposed to 'skanky'. Get it girl!

Jun 28 11 - 2:32pm

Angela seems like a total wreck. Grace seems a little more grounded but even that is questionable. I'd put it in both of them but I'd have to become a raging alcoholic to actually see them for a second time.

Jun 28 11 - 3:12pm

I'd say Michelle is a hot mess, but, man, seeing Angela bit her lip...OMG!!!

Jun 29 11 - 12:44am

Ha. Angela wants to fuck everyone & Michelle is a hot mess for admitting that she wouldn't let puke-mouth eat her out? Or for admitting the kind of funny way she didn't get laid? Maybe we should all just bite our lips for the photo-op...that would totally obscure the ridiculousness of all responses. It's interesting that Grace fucks people on dance floors & in hostel rooms full of strangers, but Michelle is the hot mess so far as you all can surmise. Oh America! I love the availability of bandwagons to jump on.

Jun 28 11 - 3:28pm
Vinegar Bend

Angela is sort of breathtakingly gorgeous but frankly a bit frightening. Grace might be adorable.

Jun 28 11 - 5:02pm

Which is exactly why Angela is so incredibly hot. She's a little scary on top of being beautiful. Definitely an erotic twist.

Jun 28 11 - 6:01pm

Yeah. Anglea is the kind of woman who will eat you for breakfast and spit you out for lunch. Definately scary sexy.

Jun 28 11 - 6:51pm

She's scary and that's erotic? Huh? I guess if you're into S&M a relationship with her would be a, more like M&M...but if you're into love she might burn you out - kinda like napalm.

Jun 28 11 - 6:56pm

Sorry Angela - maybe that was a little mean. I don't know you - and hope there's a lot more to you than you exposed.

Jun 28 11 - 6:57pm

I didn't say erotic; I said sexy. They are not necessarily the same thing. Wonder exactly what she does in the hospital in Joliet.

Jun 28 11 - 8:12pm

What? Sexy in a femme fatale kind of way. This is not revolutionary shit.

P.S. I feel special, someone took my name :)

Jun 28 11 - 9:30pm

Maybe a little femme Fatale-ish. But, more like a tough chick.

Jun 28 11 - 5:33pm

I love Rudy's honesty. "How do you impress someone like that? With my fingers crossed."

Jun 28 11 - 6:52pm

Rudy's very cool. Man, really sorry to hear about your wife though. Life can be hard.

Jun 28 11 - 8:07pm

You mean Rudy's wife I hope. Mine was still alive and kicking last time I talked to her!

Jun 28 11 - 6:23pm

So I guess hitting on the interviewer is the new trend with this column? Man, never saw that coming.

Tom, Rudy, and Johnny are all cool. Michelle reminds me of a lot of girls I know in their early 30's trying too hard. Angela is mile long trainwreck waiting to happen. And Grace is like, perfection. I'm going to be over in a puddle on the floor, trying to collect myself.

Jun 28 11 - 11:02pm

Michelle, you can break into my house anytime, girl. Also, my finger resembles Rahm's...insta-shocker. GET IT.

Jun 28 11 - 11:37pm

Michelle is the hottest. Gurl, I'll give you a purple key robe and a whiskey on the rocks to break in!

Jun 29 11 - 9:29pm

Tom's teeth, especially that one front tooth, are distracting.

Jun 29 11 - 11:51pm

He should have them fixed if he can.\

Jun 30 11 - 4:11am

"A lot of girls in their early 30s, trying too hard"??

I think you mean "a lot of girls in their early 30s – confident."

Can't win with some people.

Jul 01 11 - 12:25am
el profe

Angela is perfection.

Jul 04 11 - 4:03pm

I like the two random dudes looking up behind Michelle in the picture.

Aug 28 11 - 8:44am


Sep 29 11 - 2:43pm

angee call me!!!

Nov 21 11 - 2:44am

I found just what I was neeedd, and it was entertaining!

Nov 21 11 - 2:44am

I coannt tell a lie, that really helped.

Nov 21 11 - 2:45pm

v6MFoK iznkaguoffab

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