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Commentarium (61 Comments)

Sep 23 02 - 10:06am

This guy needs very much to move on to the next thing. His fat fruitish obsessiveness makes me queasy. Still, the girl with the long blond hair is lovely!

Sep 22 02 - 12:25am

I can only see 2 pictures. There is no hrizontal scroll bar.

Sep 16 02 - 12:04am

This body of work is not getting much better... Sorry. Perhaps to take a course on composition, so that once the initial craze dies down, we may have a more apt artist?

Sep 16 02 - 11:57am

When is Spencer going to break the mold he has set himself in? I'm hoping he has it in him to - I don't know - grow with his skills, talents and ideas?

Sep 01 02 - 3:57pm

How come, you have not come to M

Aug 02 02 - 2:24pm

I dont think he is actually using this photographs is he?

Aren't these just photo's of him working

Aug 02 02 - 2:23pm

Some of you people are really mean.

Jul 10 02 - 10:06am

You guys are aware that the pictures wont open up and never did, right?

Jul 10 02 - 9:18am

Not for the picture "Nude Adrift: Sao Paulo" only
but for the whole idea! This is starting to repeat itself!
What is the point of doing this anymore?
Also your b&w pictures were much better thatn the prints you have in colour!
Too much is too much!
Less is more! The quality of your work should be more important than the number of pictures you are making!
Wake up!

Jul 09 02 - 8:56am

Keep Spencer adrift - as far away as possible. Personally I'm really tired of his hysterics and his Holocaust fixation.

Jul 09 02 - 3:07am

You know what; for one of the most brilliant and interesting ideas that I have seen come out of modern photography, I always feel kind of let down by the inneffectual way the project is represented on this site. Its like only being allowed to taste a single tiny wild strawberry when you're in a forest full of the little buggers.

Jul 07 02 - 2:00pm

Uninspired. All of your work seems to reach out mostly to the needing-a-look set. Nothing wrong in that except that it gets old fast---by around age 25. The erotic is more complex, or needs to be--if you see what I mean. This crit. goes for Hooksexup, in general, as well. Thanks.

Jul 06 02 - 9:07pm

I`m sure you`ll be able to traslate my text that i wrote just after my incredible experience participating on Nude Adrift-S.Paulo.
Congratulations To Spencer for your sensible work. Thank you for giving me this unforgetable oportunity. I`m anxious waiting for my photo.
Desde o primeiro contato que tive com o trabalho de Spencer Tunick fiquei encantada e quando soube da Performance no Ibirapuera, pensei que n

Jul 03 02 - 6:56pm

I received my photo from the Melbourne shoot held in October 2001, in March 2002.
It's a great photo and the wait wasn't a big problem.
The Melbourne organisers were always contactable, and sent emails out when the photos were available, which was good considering there were 4,300 of us in Melbourne.

Jul 03 02 - 6:32pm

the blurb sentence about exuding etc. is really fucking stupid. As is most of the Hooksexup prose. Where did you all "study", at Brown or something?

Jul 03 02 - 6:31pm

the leading sentence about exuding etc. is really fucking stupid.

Jul 03 02 - 2:19pm

Fantastic work. Would like to leave my contact but the form on the site does not work.

Jul 03 02 - 12:49am


Jul 02 02 - 4:05pm

It seems like what started off as a creative idea has become a gimmick. The photos of people posed rely almost solely on their nudity and not aesthetics or other forms of expression. The photos that have a documentary feel are interesting, yet no more so than any of my friends travel photos. Spencer's abrasive attitude (I was at the shoot in Maine) would not be a problem if the works spoke for themselves, but unfortunately they rarely do. Some of the participants seem to benefit in a positive way emotionally, but that is not the intended purpose. Although some photos turn out beautiful, the majority remains filler.

Jul 02 02 - 6:38am

Sos un ladri, deja de afanar con estas boludeces y ponete a laburar en serio.

Jul 02 02 - 6:32am

Bravo!! la desnudez muestra nuestra verdadera realidad Nuestro desamparo y nuestra humildad. Bravo!!

Jul 01 02 - 8:27pm

I get so sick of the word 'Freedom' being misused. It has harmed our country so much over the past decade and yet I'm sure you nor many who go around proclaiming, "I have 'rights' and freedom to do what I want. This is very typical of why we must be the dumbest beings on this planet since we want all this and keep pushing more porn (or 'ART' - excuse me..LOL) and then wonder why their are more kids bringing kids in this world every year. Oh excuse me - it's all the parents fault, ey?

You are either too dumb or just too blind I guess...

Jul 01 02 - 12:35pm

For those of you who can only see 1/3 of the picture, you have to click on the picture in order to see it all.

Having visited a few concentration camps in germany, i've gotta say that the nude adrift photos are disturbingly similar to pictures of dead bodies intertwined. Their expressions even make it look as if they're in a concentration camp. All of these thoughts were magnified when i saw the picture of the "hitlerish" statue with the upraised arm. I half expected the next picture to be in a gas chamber posing as a community shower.

Jul 01 02 - 9:29am

I can't SEE "Nude Adrift: Sao Paolo"--in either Netscape 6.1 or Internet Explorer 5. Only the top one-fourth of each picture will load!
I'm on a 300 Mhz Apple G3, modem connection.
Okay, it's Monday. Back to the drawing board.

Jul 01 02 - 2:05am

Hi, I have never considered myself to be an art lover, but I just wachted the HBO documentary Naked States and I must say that Spencer is a visonary. I can not express how thankful I am, Spencer gave me another reason to smile, another way to think, and countless ways to love. Spencer is the first artist that I have been interested in but he will not be the last, and no matter how much I begin to love the work of others I will never forget who started it all out for me. Thank you Spencer form the bottom of my heart, soul, and everything that I am made of.

Jul 01 02 - 12:58am

Les estoy escribiendo desde Chile a horas de haberse realizado la "performance" convocada por el sr. Tunick y estoy muy contenta por la reacci

Jun 30 02 - 5:12pm

Spencer Tunick is one of the worst photographers ever to have such a wide audience. His main concept is only marginally novel, yet it has managed to consume him. How many of his photographs are actually of him and his crew setting up the shots? While some of his work does have merit, the vast majority of his corpus is flat and uninsipiring. Yes, the human body is a wonderful thing, all the more reason why care has to be taken when capturing it on film.

Jun 30 02 - 1:52pm

Your photos are absolutely incredible! I just read some feedback and couldn't believe the negative responses.
I have to say, that you have inspired me and i think it is a wonderful idea all on its own. I love shooting people and w/ this amount of flesh the bodies take on such an interesting turn. To me, its appealing because its about the various sizes and colors and shapes massed into one gigantic pool. I love to distort the idea of the human form through a photo. Very interesting....

Jun 29 02 - 1:11pm

The javascript thumbnails don't work.

Jun 29 02 - 11:23pm

I have been trying to view Spencer Tunicks' latest work but cannot get the photos to complete.
The only thing seen is about the top 1/3 of the photo. This has never happened before, what
is the problem? Is it an input error or (shudder) operator error?

Jun 28 02 - 9:38pm

Your pictures remind me of the holocaust. Creepy not sexy.

Jun 28 02 - 9:33pm

Can't get scroll-downs to work.

Jun 28 02 - 1:55pm

I just saw an HBO special on you. You seemed really uptight and not enjoying yourself. You've gotta' relax and realize that you are extremely lucky. People are dying all over the world from starvation and war and you are taking pictures of naked people, which is supporting your fashion and horrible dietary needs.

... some of your pictures are beautiful though ;)

Jun 21 02 - 9:14am

I have just found your work on the net at - WOW - its a pitty i never happened on one of your shoots in NY in 1999 - i was living there then. I love what you are doing - it feels human to me - like the feelings that you feel when you are walking on the pavement to work but are too afraid/ashamed to feel - you make them real and slighly etherial - like fantasy happenings - its great - cant wait to see you in London

Jun 17 02 - 12:15am

Photos are super11111

Jun 14 02 - 8:33am

okay, we have established that you can get a lot of random people naked just about anywhere. good job,
Now all you need it to learn how to take a good photograph.
I was very disapointed. subjects do look posed, pics are bland and uninteresting.

Jun 12 02 - 8:54pm

Our skin will always be the most beautiful way to get dressed, from the moment we cover our body we are hiding from ourselves. Thanks Mr. Tunick for this chance to be free for a while, a brief instant that will remain forever in our memories.

Jun 09 02 - 5:52pm

If a have 16 years old can posed in phot? or the age to posed is over 18 years old?

"Es necesario ser mayor de 18 para posar en la fotgraf

Jun 09 02 - 12:58pm

This page have an error!!!

Jun 09 02 - 11:23am

Spencer, Sean Mooney here. We were both at Emerson in '87. I should have known by the creative (if not whacky) pictures you used to send me that you would one day be a professional photographer/artist. If this message ever finds you, I'd love to hear from you sometime.


Sean Mooney

Jun 06 02 - 11:37am

I think it's ridiculous that Spencer is coming to Santiago (Chile) in June. The temperature during the day will be around 14

Jun 04 02 - 10:05pm

Kool project...wish you come to America.


Jun 02 02 - 3:27am

Okay, so my sexual drive lends itself to visual stimuli.
Things are not as bad as they used to be, that is why I am visiting Unfortunately for us mortals, both sex and violence are human nature... and tend to escalate proportionately. I have fallen before to passions running roughshod over reason, and have found my fantasies begging for fulfillment. As a child of the sixities, and having lived thirty-five of my fifty years in San Francisco, I am glad to have lived through what could have been my undoing at every turn . To paraphrase a writer who claims that overindulgence is the pathway to wisdom, I can certainly attest to the fact that wisdom will never provide easy answers to the uninitiated, and nudity is an express ticket that is so exploitive of our fragility, and polarizes our collective unconcious.

May 30 02 - 3:00pm

I`d like to see spencer taken pictures in chile, in valparaiso chile.

May 30 02 - 2:58pm

great work!!!!i find that spencers photos captured a side of nudity that was forget........
congratulations for your vision!!!!!!!!!!

May 28 02 - 8:31am

too clinical...... your subjects look like medical journal drawings. No life....complete despair. Celebrate the human body in all it's wonderful forms......not simply exploitation.

May 26 02 - 2:26pm

Brilliant material. Spencer, it seems, has it figured out for himself ... see the world ... really see the world, and show it to the rest of us. Looks like he's carved out a life well lived, and the photos just get more interesting over the years. The consistency of his theme yet also the variety of his subjects, it just works for me. Our differences, our sameness, our universality, but not in some half baked sentimental way. Stripped bare to the skin.

May 26 02 - 12:39pm

I watched you television special the other day...and have to say that i was glued to the set. (figuratively speaking of course). The show was about the cross american tour. Do you know when it will be aired again in Canada? I am from the Toronto area and wondered if you had been or will be visiting us soon?
In the mean time all the best

May 26 02 - 12:31pm

Being a human being born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and seeing these pictures on thee web, I can't help to think that any means an artist can find to express his toughts, feelings and ideas cannot be conceived as liable to be censored.
Specially in Argentina, where 20.000 died in the 70' because they tought in a different the government wanted.
Many people in Buenos Aires thought this was outrageous and even threathened to major to sue him because if he allowed this to happen.

Believe, art is art and as long nobody is hurt, as we say in Argentina "cada uno puede hacer de su culo un omnibus e invitar a quien quiera".
