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getting around
Male • 17 years old • Massachusetts

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It was my junior year of high school and my parents were out of town. A bunch of friends came over that afternoon, including one girl I'd always thought was cute. She and I hung out a lot, but it was always in a group, always firmly in the friend-zone. That day we all smoked weed, and we dipped into my parents' liquor cabinet as the night wore on. I remember vodka shots, though things get hazy after that. I had a turntable and a bunch of vinyl records in my room upstairs, and this girl said she wanted me to play some music for her. Oddly, I think she wanted me to play one of the classical records, although our group was mostly into hip-hop at the time.

Illustration by Thomas Pitilli

So, we went upstairs. Crazily enough, at this point, I had never actually kissed a girl. I was Michael Cera, just a skinny, nervous mumbling dude when actually one-on-one with a lady. But that night, all the vodka and weed and music somehow made me loose and uninhibited. I was feeling warm and confident (what I'd later recognize as the perfect state of drunkeness). I put a record on and we sat down on my bed. I leaned in for a kiss. I honestly would have been happy just to get that first over with, but things kept going.

It wasn't long before we had stripped down to our underwear. ("Dude," I kept thinking. "Dude.") Then — amazingly — she went down on me. I went down on her, pretending I knew what the hell I was doing (thank God for pornos). I couldn't believe it, but eventually we got to the point of wondering who had a condom. That would be: neither of us. I don't know how or why I came up with this idea so soon, but I immediately suggested that we try anal sex. And she agreed. I ran to the bathroom to grab some Vaseline. Where this "expertise" came from — considering that only half an hour ago, I had never even kissed a girl — I don't really know. We tried anal for a bit, which I count as the loss of my virginity. I didn't have anything to compare it to, but she wasn't enjoying it, so we stopped.

I wonder whether technically this counts as losing my virginity. Does virginity have to be vaginal sex? Does penetration suffice? Does there need to be climax as well? Whatever the definition, in my mind this night takes the prize.

Send us your first time story! Email with 300-800 words about the first time you had sex. (Don't worry, we won't print your name — but please do make sure to include your gender, where you were, and how old you were.) Submissions may be edited, especially if you go all Wonder Years on us. Thanks!

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Dude, I would say that counts (though next time use a condom for anal, too.)

rem commented on 06/23

I agree with "rem". Also, per your climax comment, no, you don't have to climax for it to count as losing your virginity. If that were the case, there would be plenty of women (and some men) who started having sex but remained "virgins" well into their sexual life.

baw commented on 06/23

I think men and women just need penetration to qualify for losing their virginity. If a climax for a woman was a necessity, guys would all suffer needlessly.

ace commented on 06/23

What about lesbians, though? That complicates the "just penetration" idea.

ls commented on 06/23

Not stoked that this was printed when the author actually admitted to having any kind of sex (anal or otherwise) WITHOUT protection. This is how ignorance, STDs and HIV/AIDS are spread. Not cool Hooksexup.

lr commented on 06/23

Oh for cryin' out loud. I read stories on Hooksexup for interesting glimpses into other peoples' lives and thought processes, not for safe sex hints. If no story was ever printed unless it featured smart behavior that was unlikely to hurt anyone emotionally or physically, and presented only good models for citizens of all ages, the tales would be a lot less human, amusing, and poignant. Lighten up, lr.

mpb commented on 06/23

Lr is totally right. First of all Hooksexup is printing uniformed, uninteresting material. I mean come on! Are we seriously having the 'do you need penetration for sex to count as sex' debate? I'm a junior in college and I don't know any one who would entertain that topic as worthy of actual debate. FOLKS: penis in vagina is not the only thing that counts as sex. Hooksexup obviously needs some people who actually know a thing or two about sex working for them. And not only that but they're passing off unsafe sex as a blase topic. Not every story needs to come with a 'use a condom' tagline mpb, but I suggest you and Hooksexup take a look at some statistics regarding escalating HIV rates among 13-19 year old men in the US. Seriously Hooksexup, I never thought I'd see the day that your 'exciting' and 'novel' sex information became on par with the crap they dish out in Cosmo magazine.

ecj commented on 06/24

correct me if i'm wrong, but this article isn't billed as any kind of sex information and it also wasn't written by Hooksexup. this is a user submitted story about losing his virginity. he even cops to his own inexperience. take it as a point for discussion, yes. use it as an opportunity to think "damn it's a good thing people keep learning through their lives," absolutely. but lambast Hooksexup for printing user-submitted stories that ring true? nah, i'll pass.

mjr commented on 06/24

If that's being debated, it's by internet commentors, not Hooksexup. Strange passive aggressive comment. Go back to Gawker you angry junior in college.

ecj2 commented on 06/24

LR is 100% wrong. Advocating for safe sex is one thing (though safe-sex advocacy sometimes gets way too doctrinaire and reductive, IMHO). But suggesting that Hooksexup shouldn't print someone's firsthand memories because they include condomless sex? That's NUTS.

S.F. commented on 06/24

i think that technically at the time that his penis entered in any way a female or male given the case, counts as losing his for the anal sex part, dude should ve used a condom...but lay off, as he clearly states in his story....he had NO experience

bac commented on 06/28

Both parties were virgins, this is how STD's are spread. I see.

MJL commented on 06/30

Yes, I put up the first comment, but I'd like to ammend it with the definition of "sex" that my friends and I used in college to be as inclusive as possible, "two or more people, one or more orgasms, and/or penetration." If you think about it, that should include all combinations.

rem commented on 06/30

What a leap from a kiss, to a fumble & then to anal sex. Not a glorious first time. The fact that you both thought this was the best alternative to plain boring sex. I despair. Unprotected as well. The mind boggles. At least you can remember a kiss with a degree of fondness. Not sure about the other!

SWW commented on 07/01

I would love to talk to you about this, I'm in your boat. Email me at [email protected] remindingg me who u r, so we can talk bro. Ok?

mh commented on 07/12

sex means penetration of the penis into the vagina..anal sex although called anal sex is not really intercourse..

G commented on 10/15

DUDE... Bullshit.

AK commented on 10/21

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