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    Crush of the Week
    In the middle of a recent, somber interview with
    a Canadian math teacher who'd had sex with a teenage student, Larry
    King announced that he was bringing on a psychologist to discuss the
    case. We expected a bearded talking head to lecture on boundaries and
    responsibility, blah blah blah. But instead, there suddenly appeared
    a vision in professional clothing: the New York psychotherapist Dr.
    Robi Ludwig. Her message? Teenagers are hot. "What's interesting," she
    said, flipping her blonde hair happily, "is that organizationally,
    teachers are not prepared to know how to deal with these feelings like
    therapists are. You know, adolescents are very sexual
    and seductive, and there's a lot of hormones in the air. And how do
    you deal with a student that comes on to you? ... Very often adolescents
    don't know that they're being seductive. They have hormones. The sex
    is just in the air. You can see it. You can taste it. You can smell
    it ... It's very tempting." The Canadian teacher
    nodded eagerly in assent, and Larry King looked like he was in fact
    feeling pretty tempted right that second. And for that, Dr. Ludwig
    is our crush of the week. — Ada Calhoun
    Photos of the Week

    Britney, ever-classy.

    From Jessica "Washingtonienne" Cutler's Playboy spread.

    From the Olympics: the winning beach volleyballers and taekwondo gold medalist celebrate.

    Don't the Finnish engineering students in this photo from the Times business section look fantastically kinky?

    Crazy Quote of the Week

    "Now we have total liberation of sexual things but we also have the Patriot Act," Erica Jong told the New York Times for a recent article on the upcoming documentary on the film Deep Throat. "We have never made the connection between sexual speech and political speech. Sex today has nothing to do with revolution anymore. It's about capitalism and protecting little profit centers."

    Moral Decay Alert

    New York Times
    reports that it's hard to sit down in a
    miniskirt. "The goal is to avoid having your bottom 'touch
    too much of the seat,' said Jessica Oser, 24 ... While more than
    a dozen women interviewed said they had never spoken about their
    subway miniskirt etiquette with friends, they were effusive in
    their explanations to this reporter, motioning and bending in every
    direction for the sake of clarity. (Only one subject was off limits.
    Choice undergarments for skirts that bare skin? No comment.)"

    Product Placement

    What we bought when we visited the Vatican's gift shop. We have a little crush on Father October.

    Pimps & Ho's halloween costumes. For kids.

    Haribo's candy wrappers are pornographic, graduates of St. Blasien
    Jesuit College insisted in a letter to
    the firm: "We are shocked at the shameless presentation of sexual
    practices on the wrapping, which includes not only sexual intercourse
    but also fellatio and cunnilingus." Proving that "just because
    you're paranoid/don't mean they're not after you," the wrappers
    are, the company admits, "very racy."

    Make a diamond ring out of your dead husband's cremated remains with Life Gem.


    Naked Assets, Inc. offers wealth training for strippers.

    Those smart-asses over at The
    Smoking Gun took the U.S. Postal System up on its offer to create
    personalized official stamps. A few of their requests were rejected,
    but they got these two by: Monica Lewinsky's stained dress and a
    snapshot of James E. McGreevey with purported lover Golan Cipel.

    Tabloid Fodder


    Cover: "Baby Love!"

    Babies: 34.

    Boobs: 40.

    Sex promised/delivered: 4/3. Presumably in an effort to be topical, People provides a yikes!-worthy article called "Honey, I'm Gay" about how one spouse's coming out sometimes changes a marriage.

    In Touch

    Cover: "Mary-Kate Update: Fighting Back!"

    Babies: 11.

    Boobs: 104.

    Sex promised/delivered: 5/6. In Touch actually, ickily
    asks Gwyneth if she has plans to "make another baby." In one
    photo-spread introduction, they use all of these words: bootie, butt,
    glutes, asset,
    booty-licious, derriere, backside. But we give them two bonus points
    for the two photos of our beloved Kelly Ripa.

    Us Weekly

    Cover: "2004 Fashion Winners & Sinners"

    Babies: 7.

    Boobs: 266.

    Sex promised/delivered: 7/9. Homewrecker Britney looking hungover in a "Move Bitch" T-shirt is worth the cover price.


    Cover: "25 Best & Worst Beach Bodies!"

    Babies: 11.

    Boobs: 218.

    Sex promised/delivered: 10/10. A must-read: a convincing
    two-page article entitled "The Curse of Madonna's Kiss!" Star insists
    it's no coincidence Britney, Guy, Vanilla, Warren, Sean, and Dennis
    all suffered career nosedives after encountering "Madge's lethal
    lips." Plus, exclusive photos of Britney's ex-husband making
    out with a transsexual. Does it get any better than this?



    appears every Tuesday.

    Research assistants:
    Sarah Harrison, Gwynne Watkins.

    Send tips to .

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    © 2004, Inc.


    Comments ( 2 )

    You are aware of the fact, that the letter to Haribo was a joke by the graduates?
    So they are not some prudish overreacting conservatives.

    J.B. commented on Sep 08 04 at 6:47 am

    The tabloids section is the only part I skip over on this feature. The rest is certainly entertaining and occasionally informative, but the coverage of the tabloids doesn't have the wit and irony it thinks it does.

    TJ commented on Sep 08 04 at 10:51 pm

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