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    Just like the Sasha Grey Peta ad, we're at a loss to explain how PETA convinced Nadya Suleman to agree to this poster. Like on the one hand, we know that the Octomom has no shame and will do anything for money. On the other hand, this ad is basically calling her a brood mare and telling people to spay their animals before they end up like her. Which, you know, not terrible advice, but one you would have thought Nadya's agent (or someone) would have advised her against before she agreed to it.

    Commentarium (1 Comment)

    Mar 29 10 - 2:52pm

    Don't you people read papers or watch the news? It's simple to explain how they got her to do it. She had a huge balloon payment due on her house, and the only other offer was from Vivid. Apparently she's not quite *that* desperate yet.

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