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search results: documents 1 - 10 (of 28)
1. Naughty Crosswords by Jorge Stafford  09/01/2006
This week: "Nice Figure." /regulars/
2. Naughty Crossword by Jorge Stafford  08/24/2006
This week: "The Lincoln Bedroom" — it's all about the make-up sex. /quickies/
3. Naughty Crosswords by Jorge Stafford  08/17/2006
This week: "Easy to Swallow" — drinks that go down smooth. /quickies/
4. Naughty Crosswords by Jorge Stafford  08/03/2006
This week: "Cue Ball" —your quim will quiver. /regulars/
5. Naughty Crosswords by Jorge Stafford  07/27/2006
This week: "Easy to Swallow" -- drinks that go down smooth. /regulars/
6. Naughty Crosswords by Jorge Stafford  06/29/2006
This Week: "Looking for Love" — even fictional characters do it. /regulars/
7. Naughty Crosswords by Jorge Stafford  06/01/2006
This Week: "Head Games" — let's visit the smallest room in the house.
8. Naughty Crosswords by Jorge Stafford  05/11/2006
This Week: "Sin City" — Putting the X in "exhibition."
9. Naughty Crossword by Jorge Stafford  04/27/2006
This Week: Well, I Never! — four guys who apparently didn't. /quickies/
10. Naughty Crosswords by Jorge Stafford  04/20/2006
This week: "Porn stars" — the men who made it all happen. /quickies/

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This search works best for author names, exact titles, and older Hooksexup articles.

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