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Make Room for Making Out

Posted by Wendy Atterberry


Back when I lived in Chicago, one of my favorite things to do was hit the beach every chance I had from May to September. Luckily, I was just a 15 minute walk from Foster Beach, or a 5 minute bike ride, so getting there was cake. When I started dating my now-boyfriend who flew in once a month from New York, I'd drag city-boy to the beach with me and try to show him what a romantic setting it could be. While I was busying rubbing sunblock on his back and pointing out the cute girls in small bikinis for him to oggle with my blessing, he was busy checking the Yankees score on his cell phone and mumbling about what a crappy season they were having. Hey, you can take the boy out of New York....

Anyway, this picture reminded me of my days back on the beach, but there's one thing amiss with the couple's set-up. Thoses glasses of wine they're holding? Where are they going to put them when they're tired of drinking and ready to make-out?? Once they set them on the sand, they'll just get knocked over and spill and I don't know about them, but I, for one, don't like wasting a drop of my booze. In order to save their wine and to savor every second of their make-out time, they need one of these: 


A beach table! How brilliant is this? It has slots for wine glasses and packs flat for convenient packing. All I need now is a beach within walking distance and a boyfriend who doesn't mind a little sand in his crevices...

[$12.36, HotRef] 

Related: Table on the GoHappy Hour: "Canoflage" Beer Can Wraps

[photo via] 

Posted Jun 05 2008, 10:00 AM
Filed under: ,


quidnuncjournal said:

that reminds me of an old old joke.....why don't women like to drink beer at the beach?       Because they don't like to get sand in their Schlitz.........nyuk, nyuk......(sorry, couldn't resist after the crevice comment)

June 5, 2008 1:20 PM

Wendy Atterberry said:

Ha ha. Hey i heard a joke today. It has nothing to do with sand or making out, but it's still pretty funny:

"I hate going to weddings because old people always poke me and say, "You're next," so I started doing the sme to them at funerals.


June 5, 2008 4:30 PM

About Wendy Atterberry

Wendy is a recent transplant to New York City via Chicago. She loves dive bars, diners and dark movie theaters and hates when people talk with affected accents (like Madonna and Johnny Depp). She lives in Manhattan with her boyfriend and two cats, and has a blog like everyone else.



about the blogger

Wendy Atterberry is a recent transplant to New York City via Chicago. You can often find her at some karaoke dive bar singing her repertoire, which includes "Midnight Train to Georgia," "Daniel," and most recently, "Sweet Dreams." Don't expect her to always hit the right notes. She lives in Manhattan with her boyfriend and two cats, and has a blog like everyone else.

Alex Zalben is a writer living in New York City. He's written for McSweeney's, Modern Humorist and As one-fifth of the sketch comedy group Elephant Larry, he has been written up in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and pretty much every other major publication. Their blog was named one of PC Magazine's Top Blogs for 2007, and they recently won an ECNY Award for their viral short, "Minesweeper: The Movie." Alex did not know love until he bought his first Mac.

Steph Auteri is a freelance just-about-everything, with a special fondness for home goods she can't afford. She has been published in Publishers Weekly, New York Press and Hooksexup. She runs the blog, and her work can be found at

Diana Vilibert is a freelance writer, among other things. Born in Lithuania, she now lives in New Jersey, where she doesn't have to walk to work ten miles in the snow, barefoot, uphill both ways. Diana cannot afford most of the products she writes about because she buys too many pairs of heels to make up for her shoeless childhood. She's written for,, and CosmoGIRL!.

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