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Phone Sex Article in "Co-Ed Magazine" Makes Us Weep For the Children

Posted by Bryan Christian

What is CO-ED Magazine exactly? It's been showing up on Digg and Reddit a bit recently. It used to be an actual college magazine, right? Any fans of it out there? 'Cause it kinda looks like Reader's Digest for douchebags to us. Exhibit A would be this article excerpted from Maxim about fellas trying to get their ladies to have phone sex with them over the holiday break.

“To begin, gently test the waters. “If you’re on the phone and the moment feels right, say, I’m imagining you are waring the sheerest undies,’ and wait for her response,” advises relationship expert Dr. Jackie Black. You can also express your desire explicitly when you’re together. “Educate her about making love by using erotic language. If she isn’t interested in exploring this, she might not be a good sexual match for you. “If she’s trying, have patience, as even pros need time to get the hang of it.”

That sounds fine, right? I mean, speaking for myself, I don't particularly like phone sex—saying you had good phone sex is, for me, like saying you had a tasty MRE—but some people find it a real turn-on, and school breaks can make you totally hard up.

Yeah, um, did anyone bother to see where that "might not be a good sexual match" link goes? Why, to an article pulled from about girls who either think that sex is dirty, or don't know much about sex in the first place. Really? If you don't like phone sex, you either don't like sex or you're slow on the sexual uptake?

Thumbs way down, CO-ED editors, for twisting the words of Dr. Jackie Black (whoever the heck she is) and for being jerks. Ain't no number of Jessica Biel retrospectives gonna make up for that.



eurrapanzy said:

my bigger issue was spelling it "waring."  while consistent with most of the fratastic folks i know, it doesn't inspire confidence in me that the sexy librarian looking girl in my english lit class is going to be overcome when i approach her.

November 20, 2007 11:12 AM

parrot1500 said:

I'm sorry, but you're upset that a laddie-cult magazine is ridiculous and misogynistic about women? Do you frequently get angry when the sun rises in the morning? They're just racing to the bottom and you should ignore it. Instead, make sure more people that age read Hooksexup as a counterweight to that culture.

November 23, 2007 4:37 PM

About Bryan Christian

Bryan Christian has worked as a writer for Epicurious, GenArt and ID magazine; a web producer for WWD and Condé Nast; and a cameraman for his friends. He's married and lives in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn.
