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Shurika, 20

What the best reason to date a pastry chef?
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, so cupcakes always help.

My girlfriend and I are staying with her conservative parents for two weeks over the holidays. She insists we remain celibate the whole time. She says it's a matter of respect, but it seems stupid on one hand, and no fun on the other. Is it okay to protest?
Send her parents out for dessert. That will give you a couple of hours.

I've only been dating this girl three months, but it's the most incredible relationship I've ever been in. I want to tell her I love her, but am scared that might scare her off. Should I wait to say anything? Or just be honest and risk freaking her out?
I would be honest. If she doesn't feel the same way back, you should know. If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be. I think if you're crazy in love with her, she probably feels that and is crazy in love with you, too.

My partner just moved to the opposite coast for an indefinite amount of time. I can't imagine this will work in the long term, but it's still good for the moment. Should I end things preemptively, or just ride it out?
Just ride it out. I actually did that with my boyfriend, and now we live together. We were in a long-distance relationship for six months and then he moved out here to live with me.

Do you have to change the sheets before and after a one-night stand?
I don't know about before. Definitely after.

My girlfriend and I have been monogamous for nine months. She's on the pill and we're curious about not using condoms — but also kind of nervous. Everyone says it's so much better; do you think it's worth the risk?
Yes. That probably sounds bad, but yeah.

Some cooks are all about improvisation. Others spend hours with recipes and mise en place. Who makes the better lover?
I would say the improviser someone who mixes it up and tries new things.

Comments ( 6 )

Dude, give June a column. She's cute, smart, and practical. Love her!

sjwecks commented on Dec 16 10 at 2:56 pm

The "Celibacy" question is a HUGE red flag. It's not a question of respecting your partner's wishes at that point. Maybe it's just me, but 2 weeks a long ass time. If your significant other FEARS her parents more she wants to fuck you (and is willing to go 14+ days without it?) then you know exactly where you stand on the pecking order.

Ryan commented on Dec 16 10 at 8:07 pm

NECI will love this press.

sas commented on Dec 17 10 at 12:44 am

@Ryan: I think that is not always the case. It can be someone's parent's are from a different cultural background or generation. It is respectful. I know my middle eastern father would not be keen on any action in his house and at age of 71, he's not gonna change. You gotta go with the flow and be flexible and understanding to your partner's situation. For one thing, you can make up for lost time by humping like crazy after the 2 weeks. Finally, it's a RED FLAG, if your partner is not willing to be flexible and understanding for 2 weeks!! Geez, what are you gonna do when it's something actually important down the road.

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