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Sonny Landham, most famous for getting the crap torn out of him by the title character in "Predator," and ex-porn star, is running on the Libertarian line in Kentucky against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.  

Now 67 and living in northeastern Kentucky, the man who played Billy Bear in "48 Hours" and was killed by an alien in "Predator" admits his action-movie days are behind him. "I think I'm having wild action when I take two aspirin with my hot chocolate at night," he quipped.

The actor known for his powerful physique, booming voice and his American Indian heritage says he's serious about his longshot bid, because too many politicians are indifferent to voters' problems.

Landham refers to McConnell, a four-term Republican, as "Boss Hogg" after the corrupt politician from "The Dukes of Hazzard" TV show. He bluntly called Democratic candidate and millionaire businessman Bruce Lunsford an "elitist."

Even President Bush is a target: "He took us into a war on lies," Landham said, claiming the actual intent was "to put 'Big Oil' back into Iraq."

We kind of like this crazy old bastard, but then again, the anarchist in us always has a soft spot for the Libertarian folk.

Landham did go on to discuss his porn career with the Louisville Courier-Journal, which makes for

some campaign baggage that seems scripted for Hollywood, instead of socially conservative Kentucky. Asked whether [his adult film roles] could hurt him politically, Landham replied, "What can I do? That was a part of my life you cannot call back."

"If I was going to do it now

Comment ( 1 )

People seem to overlook the political significance of being in the movie "Predator." Arnie: The Governator. "The Body" Ventura: "The Mind" of Minnesota. What role with Carl Weathers opt for?

Anonymous commented on Jun 28 08 at 7:53 pm

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