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Watch: Jon Hamm reads a comic novel about buttholes

Jon Hamm

Humor writer Jon Glaser celebrated the publication of his latest book, My Dead Dad Was in ZZ Top by having a couple of his closest friends read aloud excerpts at a Brooklyn release party earlier this week. Not really a big deal, until you find out one of those friends just so happens to be Jon Hamm.

And it's an even bigger deal when you realize the passage the seemingly refined and understated actor is about to read extensively involves butt holes. And not the figurative type. We're talking literal butt holes. He even ponders the plural of the word "anus" (Wikipedia informs us it's anuses), as he informs us of the true origins of the Butthole Surfers' band name. In other words, it puts his comedic turns on 30 Rock and SNL to shame. While the footage is a bit shaky, it's worth it purely for the audio. Though as someone who was there, I can assure you all he's just as dreamy looking in person.

Comment ( 1 )

Feb 10 11 at 3:15 pm
word police

"And it's an even bigger deal when you release the passage..."

release? or realize? granted, a sighting of jon hamm may well confuse my own typing skills. but do any of the bloggers here on Hooksexup ever proofread their shit before it's published? b/c it really, really doesn't appear that way.

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