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An activist has sued the state of California for a ban on circumcision, arguing that infants can't consent to the practice. In fact, according to twenty-four-year-old Oakland based minister, born-again conservative, musician, and activist Svend la Rose, circumcision is already illegal in California, under the state's mayhem law. Judge for youself on that one:

A person is guilty of aggravated mayhem when he or she unlawfully, under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the physical or psychological well-being of another person, intentionally causes permanent disability or disfigurement of another human being or deprives a human being of a limb, organ, or member of his or her body.

La Rose is also seeking to end statutory-rape prosecution for teenagers who have consensual sex with each other, making the argument that

It's not like teens aren't having sex anyways. And it's not like we really want all those who do to be convicted of "unlawful sexual intercourse." What we want is responsible decisions. And it's not really an invitation to responsibility to say "just say no and if you say yes then it's invalid anyway and your beloved will go to jail."

It's not all progressive logic with this fascinating character, though; a self-described "paleoconservative dealing with the fallout from my former progressivism," La Rose was also outraged by Iowa's decision to legalize gay marriage. Actually, his self-penned press release is kind of a goldmine; describing himself, La Rose writes that he

is president of ASFAR Youth Liberation, which is the oldest comprehensive organization in the United States advocating for the liberty and self-determination of young people... an ordained minister and accomplished musician. He is suing in another case to get back into UC Berkeley. Finally, and purely coincidentally, he is homeless.

You can also find his OkCupid profile if you Google him, and, not surprisingly, that's kind of a goldmine too. There he lists a number of preoccupations both heady ("the liberties and opportunities of America's young people") and... less so ("why great girls go for so-so guys, especially jocks"). He also strongly implies that he's never had sex; in a section on his survivalist training, he notes that he "can do without air for 50 seconds, water for 8 hours, sleep for 40 hours, food for 72 hours or so, and sex for 24 years."

Beneath all of this color, La Rose's points on circumcision and teen sex (if not gay marriage) are well-taken, but his typo-ridden screeds and self-aggrandizement seem like they'll keep California from paying much attention. (And in fact, he's actually at least the second Californian who's sought a ban on circumcision.) More on this as it develops, maybe.

Commentarium (9 Comments)

Jan 26 11 - 4:43pm
G Unit

Does a teenager go to jail for consensual sex often in the US? And does the 13 year old giving consent to 19 year old make it okay?

Jan 27 11 - 12:15am

It's great to see more Americans speaking out against infant circ, even evangelists who can't spell. If you want some of the reasons it's a bad idea, rather than just because a minister or musician said so, this is a great place to start:

Jan 27 11 - 1:32am

I sort of wish that women (Amy) would just shut up about circumcision. If people think that circumcision is bad, great. Don't get/administer/get your children a circumcision. Just like any other medical procedure, it is dangerous. However, if the parents of a child can't make dangerous decisions for (the possible betterment) their children, then who does? Does any child ever get anything done, just because they aren't old enough to choose?
Circumcisions are safe. Obviously not for everyone, every time, but it is a minor procedure that shouldn't be taken off the menu.
It is also a huge pity that someone that makes a lot of sense about teenage sex is such a nutjob. His views on underage sex is just spot on.

Jan 27 11 - 3:49pm

Just to be perfectly clear, NotChristian, you only want women to shut up about circumcision? Okay, then. I'm a guy and will be eternally grateful my parents didn't let some weirdo mutilate my schlong.

On topic, I really wanted to root for this guy; partially because he's slightly off in the mental sense. Shame he's against gay marriage, though. Haven't read through his profiles, but he probably has several more objectionable views I can't support. Oh, well. At least he's making the world a funnier place.

May 19 11 - 2:39am

People,people,people.How many of you have had your doughters ears pierced when they were little. Some of you won't be happy until all of our freedoms are gone...Sad!!!..Some of us don't want a wrinkled up mess of skin hanging off our members like an animal..or savage.....

Jun 17 11 - 12:32pm

Why do they say "California activists"? These whack-jobs are almost always from the Bay area. It would also be nice if people understood that "New York wants gay marriage" really is NYC and not necessarily the entire goddamned state. Believe it or not, there are those of us New Yorkers who don't give a fuck about what happens in NYC or what the loonies there think.

Aug 29 11 - 1:38pm

Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good infortmaion.