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Oh, what is this internet gem? Why, it's a eight-minute video of some new-age dudes formally apologizing for two million years of oppressing women. The video features multiple men reading from some sort of treatise on women's subjugation. They rightly consider the facts that women have been oppressed and excluded in a historically male-dominated society, but I have to say the delivery is a little over the top. Check out how they spliced in a clip of a women being burned at the stake around 1:45.

While I appreciate efforts on the part of these men to acknowledge and rectify past wrongs women have suffered, my problem with this video is that it again relies on the clichéd dichotomy between traditionally male and female attributes. The men laud women's "connection to the earth" and their "intuition." They claim that the male drive to provide order and logic and to move humanity away from its animal origins was seemingly necessary, but that "something" was lost in this progression. I'm guessing they're referring to women's earthy, animalistic tendencies? 

Once again, the argument seems to be that men are war-waging scientists. They are rational! But women, they are mysterious creatures; their true essence is wrapped up in some pagan, moon-phase connectivity. The men espouse their commitment to both the feminine and the masculine. But maybe it's the construction of these ideals that's ultimately just as damaging as outright sex-based discrimination.  

Comments ( 11 )

Apr 06 11 at 3:23 pm


Apr 06 11 at 5:31 pm
Virender malik

Frinde grails

Apr 06 11 at 3:27 pm

stellar points raised in that last paragraph!

Apr 06 11 at 3:30 pm

There appearts to be two very big problems with this article: 1) The fact that the video even exist is just some douches sad attempt at getting laid. 2) The author of the article, whilst trying to find any redeeming quality of said video, still manages to play into the same stereotypes she is trying to argue against.
Way to be the feminist version of "cliched dichotomy".

Apr 06 11 at 8:39 pm

WTF are you talking about? How does making a few good points count as playing into a stereotype?

Apr 06 11 at 6:33 pm

This is so 90s.

Apr 07 11 at 1:01 am
Secret Character

Leave it to us guys to think an 8 minute video would rectify two million years of subjugation. Way to provide the exception that proves the rule that everyone knew. Guys are assholes (well certain guys). Case in point: the heartfelt, pensive(borderline creepy) appeal to women of the world, and what seems to be, literally, the worlds smallest violin playing in the background to woo the malleable hearts of our anatomical counterparts. Is this the best we can do gents? Its a start but I guess the first step is admitting you have a problem right?

Apr 07 11 at 4:43 am

This is so pathetic. Men apologizing for historical injustice they had nothing to do with isn't enlightened, it's spineless groveling. Would any of us ask a 20 year old German or Japanese person to apologize for WW2? Of course not, and even if we did it would be an act of sickening desperation for someone to apologize for something that happened 40 years before they were born. How about asking the average American to apologize for civilian deaths in Afghanistan, or all southerners for the civil war? At the heart of this is a very fucked up proposition that all men are fundamentally the same as those who have done past evil, and all have a desire to do harm that can only be corrected by a process of 'feminisation' whereby they take responsibility for the actions of other people out of fraudulent fear and guilt, usually instilled by aggressive women. It's funny that in the explanation of men's supposed fundamental drives toward war, acquisition etc it never mentions the women who also voted for Bush and therefore IraqV2, or who spend the money and live in the houses acquired by their partners through unsustainable means. You don't need to be a psychologist to understand that when people start taking responsibility for the actions of their entire gender throughout history, and thereby implicitly agreeing that they are, on some level, driven to do those same things (only the bad things one notes, never the discovery of electricity or penicillin), you are actually seeing the destruction of that individuals sense of self in a way that is certain to rebound as deep resentment and anger at a later stage when they realize they can only be responsible for their own actions. Even that is a struggle for most people, regardless of gender, so lets not delude ourselves that historical gender responsibility is possible beyond spineless tokenism with no real meaning or positive impact. Certainly there are many evil and terrible men now and in history, but there have been terrible women too. Presumably asking the average woman to apologize for what some other woman did, maybe 200 years ago, would make you worthy of being slapped (or committed). Steps toward genuine gender equality and perspective are always a good thing, but this is self flagellation masquerading as progress. Anyone who ever asked me to apologize for terrible things another man did would be asking me to become an utter doormat, and I think most women would agree they don't want men in their lives who are pathetic doormats. Not as a father, husband, brother or son.

Apr 07 11 at 7:02 am

It all just seemed a bit....ewww....sorry for lack of words but I can't think of anything else appropriate. To be honest it all felt to new age and lets all hold hands and dance round the camp fire and then show our peace and love together by taking off all our clothes and letting me fuck you.....oh please, look at my puppy dog eyes, and you are a goddess whom I seek to worship, please let me put my cock in you.... *heaves into bucket.

Nothing manly about this for me I am afraid but then I like my men to be men and certain of themselves and their man, not as begging wimp


Apr 07 11 at 1:13 pm

What we testosterone bearing critters need is a course of Maithuna. Please.

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