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Emma Watson to star in Perks of Being a Wallflower

Just because the Harry Potter movie franchise is coming to a close this summer doesn't mean that Emma Watson's done being moody. On the contrary, the girl whom we all feel like we helped raise is set to keep the angst alive in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, in which Watson will play that wallflower's love interest.  

For those with short memories, Perks is a young-adult novel put out by MTV in the late '90s, long before "snooki" was a proper noun, and was one of MTV's first forays into publishing. It centers around the letters of a fifteen-year-old outcast who in his journey encounters themes like drugs, homosexuality, sex, and suicide. 

Which is exactly what parents would let their kids see these days! No, wait, it's not at all

Commentarium (4 Comments)

Feb 10 11 - 4:03pm

"snooki" is a thoroughly IMproper noun. And of course some fuck is going to turn it into a verb any day now too.

Feb 10 11 - 5:05pm

God, I want to snooki Emma Watson!