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Take This Waltz — which you may have heard of thanks to Sarah Silverman's claim that she goes full-frontal in the film — is Canadian dream-girl Sarah Polley's follow-up to the widely acclaimed Away From Her, and though it won't be out until summer, we now have a trailer to tide us over until the release. Only if you're looking for delicate musings on life from Michelle Williams or silent views of a dapper-looking Seth Rogen, however. If you thought you might get a peak at Silverman in her all-together, I'm afraid there's nothing here for you. So you should probably just leave. Go on. I'll wait.

Okay, now that those people are gone we can all watch together:

If the above didn't tip you off, the story follows the love triangle of Williams' Margot and two men in her life, her husband, Lou (Rogen), and attractive neighbor, Daniel (Luke Kirby). The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and was picked up quickly by Magnolia Pictures, which I'm hoping is a sign that Polley has once again done a skillful directing job. It will also be nice to see Williams act without her Marilyn Monroe baby voice, so sign me up.

Commentarium (1 Comment)

Feb 07 12 - 1:07am

I know it's about infidelity, but it looks like fun. Raise your hand if you want to see one movie that would be fun to watch for ShamePariahMelancholia's sake.

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