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Donald Trump

Everyone knows Donald Trump is equal parts wealthy and insufferable. Now we can add a third descriptor: tightfisted. A look through his tax returns shows that he's not the philanthropist he'd like to cast himself as. In fact, he's not even the largest contributor to his own charity, the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

From 1990 to 2009, Trump donated a princely sum of $3.7 million to the foundation — a pretty small figure for a billionaire, especially if you spread it over nineteen years. The World Wrestling Entertainment beat him, making a five-million-dollar donation spread over two years.

The Trump Foundation's donations to other charities are similarly meager: most of his donations in 2009 numbered in the thousands. And at one point, it dropped a hefty 250 dollars to the Special Olympics. Trump's web site includes lip service to the man as an "ardent philanthropist," whose charitable activities are "an integral part of his ethos." If cutting a 250-dollar check is ardent support, I can't imagine what his idea of tepid is. 

Commentarium (12 Comments)

Apr 13 11 - 8:23pm

Donald Trump is also a piece of shit.

Apr 14 11 - 6:40am
the anti-vegetable

You're just jealous of his splendid hair.

Apr 13 11 - 10:34pm

and a windbag and a nut.

Apr 14 11 - 12:30pm

You're just jealous of his splendid nuts.

Apr 14 11 - 12:46am

Rich people who crow about their generosity are typically not so.

Apr 14 11 - 8:21am

I've been inside Trump's personal office, and he - I shit you not - has a gold-plated statue of himself in there that probably cost more than $3.7M.

Oh, and he was an asshole in person. His on-camera persona is exactly how he is off-camera. He has no redeeming personal characteristics.

Apr 14 11 - 9:09am

No redeeming personal characteristics? The perfect candidate for President.

Apr 14 11 - 2:21pm

MR. TRUMP is very smart he Sees @L@ what i do Unless we get a president in office that will take all the jobs from china that were ours any way the UNITED STATES MAY AS WELL BE DEADTHE C,E,O,s Of all companys that took americans jobs away should be TAXED ((% and pay back what they owe Its like Ileagles Comming where we live and Getting jobs That we once had ITS Slavery All Over Again President Lincon Is RoLLinG over IN his Grave MR> TRUMP PLEASE RUN SO WE CAN GET AMERICA BACK

Apr 14 11 - 2:56pm
untaxed C,E,O,

if you think that Trump is going to tax his fellow CEOs then I feel sorry for you...

Apr 24 12 - 4:32am

Okay, bond. It's pretty unfair of you to take a stance against all illegal (which I assume is what Ileagles means and not sick eagles) immigrants for taking American jobs when you seem underqualified for one. I don't even have a strong stance on the issue, but I do have a strong stance on being informed. Every one of your sentences contains recycled cliches of others, and you don't understand the difference between any of the punctuation marks. Lastly, capitalization doesn't happen at random; it follows rules; look them up. Perhaps an illegal immigrant took your job because your potential employer found your disregard for grammar and unfamiliarity with typing unprofessional.

Apr 15 11 - 2:12pm

All of this lends a lot more credence to the claim in Timothy O'Brien's bio of him that he's worth far, far less than he claims:

Apr 16 11 - 5:35pm
CEO Extraordinaire

Yes, he may merely be worth hundreds of millions. What a fraud.