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Victoria Jackson terrifies me. She's either the best character actor since Andy Kaufman, or she's genuinely insane and an idiot to boot. But insane idiocy has yet to stop anyone from doing anything, and she somehow still manages to get a camera to follow her around. Case in point: her visit to Occupy Wall Street. 

This is either brilliant comedy or lunacy.

Some of her best quotes:

"I'm gonna try to tell the people on Wall Street about Jesus."

"The real issue is, Obama is a Marxist and he's stirring up racial divide [sic] and uh, class warfare, on purpose."

“Okay, you want to everyone to be equal? How are you going make everyone equal in good looks and smart brains? Everyone’s not created equal.”

You might want to break this up into installments, because her voice has not gotten any less grating with time.

Commentarium (12 Comments)

Oct 13 11 - 10:42am

I made it a whole five minutes. I deserve an award.

Oct 13 11 - 10:50am

holy shit i know, my ears are bleeding

Oct 13 11 - 10:51am
Alex Heigl

The true test of stamina is listening to her journalistic back-and-forth with her interviewees.

Oct 13 11 - 12:24pm

Her voice is one thing. Her only answer being, "You know Obama is friends with GE," was entirely another.

Oct 13 11 - 10:43am

I should send her a fan letter to tell her how I would jerk off to her doing upside-down splits on SNL when I was 12.

Oct 13 11 - 10:55am
Nisan Mark Eventoff

Yikes!!! For the first time I realize that the Dumb Blonde Character she played on Saturday Night Live is actually what she's like in real life. Now I understand why she's not famous anymore. Lorne Michaels has to do a better job weeding out the nut jobs.

Oct 13 11 - 11:01am

More to be pitied than scorned - except for the whole "cameras follow her around" thing. And that there are actual human people who find it useful to watch her. And - OMFG - listen to her. And who actually believe she says something. At all.
Kill me now.

Oct 13 11 - 12:03pm

I think Herman Cain has found his VP candidate.

Oct 13 11 - 6:06pm


Oct 13 11 - 2:15pm
More to be pitied...

Totally agree. Since her career never took off (how long can you play a dumb blonde?) she became bitter, moved to Florida, married a cop and became a suburban housewife. She would have done better in porn.

Oct 13 11 - 6:39pm

With intelligence and skill, you can "play" a dumb blonde for a long time - Gracie Allen set the bar on that one. The real question is how long you can BE a dumb blonde and get paid for it.
It's temporary work.

Oct 13 11 - 8:26pm

In 2011, Jackson wrote that she thought she was being spied on because of her conservative views.

Now you say something