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Meet your future president: Drake

In a recent interview with ex-crippled Degrassi student Drake, the rapper confessed that he would gladly take on the role of playing Barack Obama in a movie. He went on to say how much he admires our president:

"Any time I see him on TV, I don't change the channel. I definitely pay attention and listen to the inflections of his voice." Which is fine — we want America's influential artists to be listening in on how our nation's leader pronounces words, rather than the message he is delivering. 

Drake said he often gets sent scripts that have him cast as a rapper or a basketball player. If I'm not mistaken, the next logical role after basketball player is President of the United States, right? 

Also, what's the timeframe in this movie? Is Drake going to play a young, fun-loving, rambunctious Barack or the fifty-year-old embattled President? Are we calling in some expert make-up artists, or do I have to wait a quarter of a century for this film to hit theaters?

I mean, I'm not going to sit on my high horse and say that the two don't share somewhat of a resemblance. But just because I look like a bird doesn't mean I should waste my time living among the flamingos and eating shrimp... or should I?

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Jan 26 12 - 6:57pm

This writer tries to come off as highbrow and above the information he is writing on but instead sounds like a prick and a dusch. Twisting Drake's words way beyond their original intent and meaning doesn't make you intelligent or witty, it makes you look sad and pathetic.

Condescending and unfounded remarks: "We want America's influential artists to be listening in on how our nation's leader pronounces words, rather than the message he is delivering" and "If I'm not mistaken, the next logical role after basketball player is President of the United States, right?"

But it was nice for you to admit that you live and write on a "high horse."

Jan 26 12 - 8:10pm
Rizzle Dizzle


Jan 26 12 - 11:32pm

That man is the worst. An individual who takes himself far too seriously. He is an overrated clown fit for the radio stations that over-saturate his crappy music all day long. Content is unlimited, and life is too short for the ramblings of a narcissistic fool!

Jan 27 12 - 3:29am
fuck drake

fuck drake hes a lil bitch

Jan 27 12 - 10:25am

Great, now birthers will start to claim that Obama was born in Canada.

Jan 27 12 - 11:33am

If Drake plays Obama, then logically Biden should be played by Auto-Tune.

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