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If he gets elected, I don't think Ron Paul will have trouble keeping campaign promises. Even those who didn't watch CNN's Tea Party debate on Monday heard about Paul's declaration that letting the uninsured die is the cost of freedom. He also said something to the effect that others can't be responsible to take care of you —  just before he was drowned out by the applause of the crowd.

And apparently, he meant it. Take the case of Kent Snyder, for instance. Snyder was Paul's first campaign manager, as well as the guy responsible for getting Paul anywhere near the nomination. Snyder also chose not to purchase health insurance for himself (since, of course, due to a pre-existing condition, the premiums were too high). Paul didn't step in. In 2008, Snyder, a relatively healthy forty-nine-year old, got pneumonia and died. Paul left Snyder's elderly mother with the $400,000 bill. That's the kind of freedom Paul treats his closest colleagues with — a colleague I know Paul cared a lot about because of this web entry he dedicated to Snyder after his death.

It kind of makes you question our obsession with total individual freedom, no? (Also, just because we can't resist, please watch this video from last night's Colbert Report.) 

Commentarium (68 Comments)

Sep 14 11 - 2:44pm

It was is campaign manager's choice not to buy health insurance. How in the world do you consider accountable for his death? Ridiculous.
(and no I'm not a Tea-Partier)

Sep 14 11 - 6:08pm

It isn't about who is accountable for the death, the real tragedy is that someone died because our country isn't at the point where some people (by which, I mean, a lot) can't receive health care they can afford (re: how he was unable to get health insurance because the premiums were way to high).

This also has market implications. Sure, you could take the stance and say that it is still all their fault that they don't have the money to pay for insurance and that special, tragic cases like this one are few. But, allowing these people to die is just a wasted resource, we use resources and time to give them skills to work and then let them die when it could be relatively cheap to provide them medical care.

And, Kent Snyder definitely did have skills to offer to the market.

Sep 14 11 - 10:52pm

Relatively cheap? Snyder's mother was left with a $400,000 bill. I don't know how you would consider that relatively cheap.

Also, you talk about allowing these people die as wasting resources. What about money spent to save people who contribute very little to society?

Sep 15 11 - 1:14am

Even if someone works a low-skill job, over the course of one lifetime that provides a lot of potential production. "Contribute little to society" is a value judgement, just because they take low-skill, low-paying jobs doesn't mean they aren't contributing labor and production to the market.

Key word is "relatively." But, also, the $400,000 bill is for the medical problems that caused his death. Preemptive care would have been much cheaper. Despite the fact that the $400,000 is extremely inflated, well, due to many things but mainly due to the fact we don't have enough people with insurance. It creates a positive feedback loop. We pay almost 2x more for the same health care than most of the developed world.

Sep 15 11 - 7:41am

How in the world is his mother responsible for the $400k bill?

Sep 15 11 - 11:13am

I agree with Julian, every single point.

Health care shouldn't be private and everyone should contribute for everyone else. I can't believe how heartless people are about this. In this particular case, we are not even talking about a drug addict homeless guy, we are talking about a well educated man who couldn't even pay for decent healthcare because of 'high premiums'. I don't get it.

I'm from a country with socialized health care, if you want a private doctor you can go to one but if you don't have money you can go to the government provider. And believe me, the service is first class (it may not have the prettiest buildings and you have to share rooms, so what, they will take care of you so you don't die of pneumonia, I don't think it's a bad deal)

Sep 15 11 - 4:18pm

If by "preemptive care" you mean prevention, it actually increases costs. This isn't even a close call.

Sep 14 11 - 2:45pm

*consider Ron Paul * I mean

Sep 14 11 - 3:04pm

. At that distance, in that position, he was a dead deer. I drew a bead on him right between his eyes and tried to end his suffering. He went down, but before I could jack another cartridge into my gun, he bounced up and was gone, leaving an antler on the ground. I had forgotten to lower my sight to its normal position after the last shot

Sep 14 11 - 3:16pm

What a misleading headline! Clearly he got medical care (and died anyway, as many with pneumonia do) otherwise his mum wouldn't have been stuck with a $400K bill.

What's more apalling is that we expend so much energy fighting over who's responsible for paying for healthcare, in the meantime the care providers are raking it in hand-over-fist regardless of who is footing the bill. It's not about universal coverage for all, it's about reasonable cost of healthcare for all.

If foid was so expensivr that you needed food insurance to eat, there would be riots in the streets. Why we allow our healthcare providers to rape us anally is beyond me.

Sep 14 11 - 6:06pm

*didn't get preemptive care


Sep 14 11 - 3:51pm

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Sep 14 11 - 3:52pm

@MRAGH- the headline was correct. He received medical care but didn't have insurance to pay for it.

Sep 14 11 - 7:43pm

One of cannot read (hint: it's not me). The headline reads "Ron Paul sticks to his guns, lets his uninsured campaign manager die." He did nothing of the sort, and had zero -- repeat, ZERO -- responsibility in this man's unfortunate demise.

Sep 14 11 - 4:27pm

The whole tone of this post is misleading.

Despite not having insurance, Kent Snyder was treated unsuccessfully for pneumonia and died. He did not die from pneumonia that went untreated due to a lack of insurance.

His mother was not left saddled with the bill of $400,000. Debt is not pass like that after a person dies. His estate would be liquidated to cover the cost of his treatment, but they can't go after his mother for the balance of that debt.

Dr. Paul's position on the issue is that the ever inflating cost of treatment is due to central planning of the health system (not an indifference to people dying). The CDC statistics for 2007 say 1.2 million Americans were hospitalized, not just diagnosed...hospitalized, and 55,477 Americans died of Pneumonia in 2007. The total cost can't be found simply be multiplying hospitalized by the $400K in this case, 'bout Poland's GDP, but that number is staggering for what only comes in number 8 of the top 10 things Americans are dying from.

Now the argument on how that cost curve comes down, either from pooling the collective purchasing power of the country vs. the market need to lower costs to expand market share and profits, is a serious one. Whether its one, the other, or some kind of combination of both, this is just exploitation of a guy's death to make a misinformed point cheaply.

The person who would find this post incredibly insulting would have been the deceased. He was a grown man with the means and faculties to purchase insurance. He chose not to. So when he died he had no estate to pass on due to the cost of his medical bills. That was his choice, those were his consequences, and he'd have been the first to say so.

Sep 14 11 - 10:53pm

"Dr." Paul. So when was the last time he was licensed to practice anywhere?

Sep 15 11 - 8:27am

I believe he remains licensed in TX although he does not practice.

Sep 14 11 - 5:34pm

Wow, the Brooklyn Hipster interns who write for Hooksexup are really venting about a REPUBLICAN WINNING A BROOKLYN HOUSE SEAT! Way to go Obama!

Sep 14 11 - 6:07pm

oh you

Sep 14 11 - 6:04pm

I'm glad I read the comments. This article almost made me not like Ron Paul.

Sep 14 11 - 7:05pm

You should not like Paul. This viewpoint that lets people "decide" whether they want to provide their own insurance is ridiculous. No one wants insurance when they are healthy, but wait until you get sick. The reason that house taxes are so high in Texas (where Paul is from) is that the house tax, which is paid to the local county, funds indigent care for those who can't afford. This means the uninsured usually get ER care after the situation has become critical. This is the most expensive, least effective type of medical care and the homeowner pays for it.

I am okay with letting people opt out of care, as long as we can tattoo "Idiot" on their foreheads and leave them on the curb outside the hospital to die. For the rest of us, the effective preventative care you get when insured, coupled with ER when needed, will be much cheaper in the long run.

Single pay health care is the answer unless/until we get crass enough as a society to let the idiots die on the curb in front of the hospital, then Darwinism will take care of the situation.

And Ayn Rand was a welfare mom.

Sep 14 11 - 11:00pm

I know a few people from my home town (which is where I worked this summer) that are unable to afford health care because of their chronic health problems (two currently have cancer)

But, god bless america that they have the right not to choose to have health care though, right?

Sep 14 11 - 10:55pm

Ooooo, don't bring up evolution, Ron doesn't believe it that either.

Sep 15 11 - 8:29am

Will you please let us know when we should go to sleep and what we should eat, too? Really, we're all too stupid to take care of ourselves so we need others to impose their will on us...except those who feel empowered to do so don't appear all that sharp either.

Hmm. How about you mind your own business and let others mind theirs?

Sep 15 11 - 8:56pm

A s long as everyone is morally okay with leaving you on the curb in front of the hospital to die because you have chosen not to have coverage, it is all good. The issue is the rest of the population is compassionate enough to save your cheap ass and then the cost gets passed along to the rest of us.

Die in peace,

Sep 14 11 - 9:00pm

Kent Snyder had AIDS for several years and he couldn't get health insurance. Many AIDS victims do die of pneumonia and there's not a whole lot anyone can do.

I'm not sure why this is Ron Paul's fault? Maybe you should blame our corrupt insurance companies instead.

Sep 14 11 - 10:56pm

Yeah, it really isn't Ron Paul's fault but the reason he is highlighted is because he made comments recently that said people who don't have health care have the freedom not to and it is their responsibility if they die. Which makes the assumption that people without health care -choose- not to have health care, many people can't afford it because either they are too poor, but not poor enough for medicaid, or they have a chronic illness and the premiums are too high, or both.

Sep 14 11 - 11:42pm
Aitch Aitch Ess

Secretary of HHS in the Bachman administration. You read it here first.

Sep 15 11 - 8:29am

I'd vote to confirm.

Sep 15 11 - 3:21am

If the government ever let's it happen, I can't wait for the day that Ron Paul is our President. I'm sure many young Americans who have educated themselves on the corruption of our government agree that it's time for a revolution. Paul has the right mentality to change things. It's funny how much the media tries to prevent you from knowing the truth as showed in this video (sorry for the quality, Viacom removed the original)- Anyways, it's upsetting to see Hooksexup so biased. I'm all about free opinion, but make your evidence factual so that people may make truthful decisions about what side to take. And try opening your eyes. Here's to a brighter tomorrow. Ron Paul 2012.

Sep 15 11 - 8:37am

Upsetting to see Hooksexup so biased? To me, it's one of the constants in the world that provide comfort. If you want to see group think in action - no alternative thought will be considered! - watch how they cover conservative women. Shameful really, and the writers would realize it if they weren't blinded by their ideological hypocrisy.

Sep 15 11 - 8:20am

Are you people serious? I've read Hooksexup for about six months now, but within the past month or so the articles have been getting increasingly more biased. I'm not sure at all how that youtube video of Ron Paul shows that he wants the uninsured to die... Isn't Ron Paul the same guy who wasn't allowed to speak at the Republican convention because of his views? And you think that he agrees with the people cheering for some person's death, which is totally and morally wrong? From what I gather, Paul said that the person who didn't have health care (not because the hypothetical person couldn't afford it, but because he CHOSE not to get health care) was exercising his right to freedom, at which point comes consequences. I've seen other Ron Paul videos on Youtube where he says that people will still get care even if they don't have insurance.

All that being said, it's sick and wrong to cheer for the death of a person, but shouldn't that be a criticism towards the audience?

Sep 15 11 - 8:23am

This is what happens when you allow comprehensive healthcare to be profitable . Look at other healthcare models around the world, they may not be perfect, but $400,000 is absurd.

Sep 15 11 - 8:47am
Free(basing on) Meds

I could break every bone in my body & have multiple organ failure, and I'd struggle to rack up such a medical bill (for the taxpayer) where I live.

Sep 15 11 - 11:39pm

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Sep 16 11 - 9:39am

This is a ridiculous headline and article. Lost a lot of credit Hooksexup.

Sep 17 11 - 8:00pm

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