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I'm sure some people entered into brief reveries when Alec Baldwin started talking about his desire to run for the Mayorship of New York City. I can understand why: he's outspoken, often defiantly liberal, and not afraid to be prickly. Those are all things I can tell you that many NYC Democrats enjoy. On the other hand... sometimes "prickly" and "outspoken" become "difficult" and "shouty," and it can sometimes be hard to forget that Alec Baldwin is not Jack Donaghy. But hey, all of the obvious Democratic nominees have their peccadillos, right? Why not Baldwin?

Well, folks, the dream is over (if you ever had it). In an interview with Stephen Daldry, director of the upcoming Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Baldwin admitted that he was no longer interested in running for office. Which is probably something we all should have assumed anyway, to be honest. And, because Baldwin is who he is, he couldn't help but use the word "horny" at least twice in his explanation:

I've lost my appetite. Plus the people that are running for mayor - I know this is terrible - I look at them and I don't see myself in that crowd. They're like a guy on a date that you can tell he just can't wait to get his hand up your blouse before even the lights go out in the theatre. They're all just so horny for it. Horny for their own ascension.

Baldwin also mentions what had to be the most obvious reason not to do this thing: who the hell would want to leave a gig on 30 Rock? (I mean, I heard that's where Hillary Clinton is looking to go when she stops being Secretary of State.) So don't worry: it looks like Jack Donaghy will be staying on your screen, so long as NBC allows it.


Commentarium (1 Comment)

Dec 22 11 - 9:43pm

I might have the wrong celebrity hypocrite but I think he was also going to leave the country when GWB was reelected in 2004. Didn't do that either.

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