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The Ultimate Warrior

Who would have thought the most lucid, level-headed argument against Occupy Wall Street would come from WWE legend The Ultimate Warrior? Wait... actually, that makes perfect sense. Warrior is the most badass person to ever live. 

When an obviously terrified interviewer thought to ask Brian Hellwig (the man Warrior pretends to be when he's not communicating with his gods) after this week's Monday Night Raw what he thought about OWS, he responded that OWS protestors should spend more time boycotting goods and less time taking dumps on police cars and stuff: 

"I would never take just a one-sided defense for corporate America, but I find it a little ironic when most of these kids own iPads and iPhones… all these material things, they're a big part of the consumerism that goes on in this country. … I think the biggest statement you can make is not to participate in the consumerism of it all, you know? Don't buy the stuff!" 

Warrior also added that he's "not really down" with the indecency many protestors exhibit. "It's like they have no manners," he said. "They have no common decency, there's absolute misbehavior."

I guess I already knew The Ultimate Warrior knew how to give a great interview, but that's pretty... well-thought out and even-handed. And here I thought that the he was totally out of control.

Commentarium (78 Comments)

Nov 02 11 - 11:35am

I love that Arsenio interview, say what you want about wrestling, but those guys are real entertainers. Not so much now, but when i was a 8 year old little girl, I was totally awestruck by these guys.

Nov 02 11 - 11:35am

...I hate to say that I actually agree with him. That makes me feel dirty.

Nov 02 11 - 12:04pm

Brilliant! He nailed that answer.

Nov 02 11 - 2:01pm

I get all my social issues reinforced by sweaty men who like to wear makeup.

Nov 03 11 - 1:53am

The best defense is no offense, huh jr. Give an opinion that you might actually have to defend. It might make your trolling less effective but at least would show that you can try and think.

Nov 03 11 - 10:44am

Once again, jr has no opinion.

Nov 03 11 - 12:30pm

Once again, I am saying that I have no opinion.

Nov 03 11 - 1:19pm

I love talking to myself.

Nov 03 11 - 3:53pm

Here is the deal: jr/the libtard troll, has falsely accused me of using words so abhorrent that I won't even repeat them here. He has always falsely asserted that I am a racist without ever being able to back up that claim. This asshole's next step will probably be to use the name "comma" to spread racial epithets. He has consistently hidden behind others initials to troll and now seems he'll bent on becoming a Klan member just because. Jr, you can have this name, I'll choose another.

Nov 03 11 - 6:40pm

Look, the conservatroll doesn't like being trolled now, does he? After using a zillion initials and other people's names he finally wants to stick to one name and be treated with respect. Not going to happen!

Nov 03 11 - 7:21pm
Words of wisdom

from the amazing racist. I have opinions that I will defend and don't care who may or may not agree. You don't do anything but troll. No opinions, no thought process, no logic. Cheap accusations of racism are how you get your kicks. Quit being a coward and try commenting on articles instead of trolling. You might like it.just so you know, never mind, I've exceeded your vocabulary and attention span.

Nov 03 11 - 7:27pm
Sounds like

your so obsessed that you can't stop replying to me. So sad! Conservatroll can't hit an invisible target!

Nov 03 11 - 7:46pm
Just replying

to the racist that accused me of things that you said but I didn't. Go away now, racist. You use words that are really derogatory to everyone. Get help and good luck with YOUR obsession, Internet tough guy. ;-)

Nov 03 11 - 8:57pm
Wow look

at that. Are you replying to yourself? I'm impressed.

Nov 04 11 - 1:08pm

Are you replying to yourself? No, I'm replying to you, you stupid cunt.

Nov 04 11 - 1:39pm
Stupid Cunt

Getting more creative with your insults? I bet your blood pressure goes up every time you get all huffy in here. It's hilarious to think that my comments are bad for your health.

Nov 04 11 - 6:15pm

Really? You really want to wish bad health on others?

Nov 04 11 - 6:20pm


Nov 04 11 - 6:39pm

Moron is now Stupid Cunt. Moron.

Nov 04 11 - 6:53pm

Damn straight I am.

Nov 06 11 - 10:13pm

So you admit it, Moron? Only a Moron Would do that.

Nov 07 11 - 12:54am

Of course! I have no problem admitting this to myself.

Nov 07 11 - 1:44am

I've admitted to myself that you are a moron, Moron? That wasn't much of an attempt to troll. You're out of ammo. Go home. Moron.

Nov 07 11 - 3:05am

Plenty of ammo. Shooting blanks, riiiight?

Nov 07 11 - 1:34pm

If I was out of ammo then you wouldn't reply, riiiight? I'm such a Moron's Moron!

Nov 02 11 - 12:21pm
Rest Lur

Just because Mr Hellwig plays a buffoon doesn't mean he doesn't have a brain (though I am concerned that in his line of work, he might suffer a brain injury).

Nov 02 11 - 12:33pm

Mr. Warrior has a very interesting perspective. Hearing it makes me wonder how many of the Occupiers have cell phones. How much are their cell phone bills? How much are their N*tflix subscriptions, etc? And how do those monthly expenses compare to the student loans that they say they can’t afford to repay?

Nov 02 11 - 1:21pm

Exactly. Cable bills, concert tickets, going to clubs, smoking pot. All the necessities of life that they can't live without. Student loans? Mortgages that never should have been taken out? That should be somebody else's responsibility. Now the news reports that theere may be disention in the ranks as a few peo
Le decide what to do with the donation money. Very little of it, if any, is trickling down to the masses in the streets. There should be an Occupy-OWS soon. I can't wait until this imploded and they start to cannibalize each other. Stinking hippies. HAHAHA!!

Nov 02 11 - 2:00pm

I think that only those who have *nothing* have a valid right to protest. Oh, and I hate hippies, did you hear? Pot too...but only when I'm too drunk to type.

Nov 02 11 - 4:30pm

No, but when you don't have much, then you have to budget. That means that you may need to forego luxuries so you can have necessities. So if you can't afford your student loans or car payment, then you shouldn't have cable tv or an iPhone with a $100/month data plan. It's why the haves have; they budget and use money wisely.

Nov 02 11 - 5:07pm

Somehow, I have forgotten that people inherit large sums of money. I also forgot that American taxpayers are currently paying for obscene CEO bonuses. It's simple budgeting! I'll tell you one thing I know for sure: The exact carrier and billing plan for all of the OWS protesters! They all have an iPhone 4S and cable TV: Fox told me so it's true.

Nov 02 11 - 11:31pm

It is absolutely baffling that you assign such a high value and level headedness to people who are "haves"-- as if money grants you some special mental abilities. Some "haves" have because of terrible moral decisions (Bernie Madoff, anyone?) and some "have nots" have been frugal and austere. There is no one whatsoever to say one way or the other why one person is where they are financially without speaking to them directly.

Nov 02 11 - 11:32pm

I worked for my money. When I was younger and barely getting by, I budgeted and cut back on non-necessities. That helped a lot. I agree that there is corporate greed and corruption. I agree that taxpayers shouldn't have bailed them out. But the OWS movement is less about those things and more about them wanting what they haven't earned and not being accountable for financial obligations that they freely took on.

Nov 03 11 - 1:11am

What?? No hating on us in that last post? You're getting soft.

Nov 03 11 - 1:51am

Once again you have no opinion that you have to defend. What a coward.

Nov 03 11 - 1:57am

Because it's not cowardly when I troll Hooksexup anonymously online.

Nov 03 11 - 10:44am

Fuck you. I state my opinion about articles. You use my name to troll me and never take a side except to say that you hate Cain because he's a black Republican. This whole fucking site is anonymous; don't bash me like I'm the only one that hasn't put personal information on here.

Nov 03 11 - 12:34pm
No Fucks Given

You really should use more fucks next time. That was only two! Nice try on the racism charge by Hooksexup's resident racist. FYI: Cain isn't your "black friend" who absolves you of your bigoted ways.

Nov 03 11 - 2:06pm

Name one thing I've ever said that was racist.

Nov 03 11 - 2:52pm

Let's see...all of your trolling about "fags" and "niggers" is a small start.

Nov 03 11 - 3:48pm

Never used those words ever, but nice try. So where's your example? "All of..." is too ambiguous and you can't just accuse me of those words to make it so. You, however, are a troll and a liar. That you would accuse me of using those words is repugnant and now we can all see how little your mind is. Unbelievable.

Nov 03 11 - 6:43pm

Sure, comma/Riiiight/Anon/Greg/jr/Real Jr/ etc. It's fun to see you deny your bigotry.

Nov 03 11 - 7:16pm
I've never

used the words that you've accused me of using. If my denials are fun for you, great, go to town.

Nov 03 11 - 7:24pm

I'm sorry, too drunk to type "initials" or are you just denying your racism more?

Nov 03 11 - 7:40pm
You really are

stupid, aren't you? I have said it many times, I am not a racist. I know you can't read which is why you're confused. You're the one who hates Cain just because he is black. You're the racist troll.

Nov 03 11 - 7:44pm
Tough talk

considering your membership in the Klan. Poor racist libtard troll.

Nov 03 11 - 7:49pm
So now it

looks like Riiight/Anon/Greg/jr/real jr/ is a bigger and fag lover! Will your lies never stop, conservatroll?

Nov 03 11 - 7:52pm

Nigger. I'm starting to type like the conservatroll.

Nov 03 11 - 8:56pm
Oh boy

Looks like comma the conservatroll is getting trolled by more than just me now. This is getting pretty fun. Whomever you are: Comma switches names a lot, but he's super easy to spot. Just look for misspellings, lack of punctuation, pretending to be rich, anything hateful about liberals, OWS or gay people. Should be easy enough!

Nov 04 11 - 2:03am
And oh boy

really hates black people. Everyone here knows him as the amazing racist.

Nov 04 11 - 1:37pm

Hey, nobody can steal my cherished title as the amazing racist AND the amazing hypocrite.

Nov 04 11 - 6:38pm

Moron the poser. Come on, Moron, are you really s desperate that you can't come up with your own stuff? Besides naming yourself Moron that is.

Nov 04 11 - 6:52pm

Damn, I sure can call it. I'm such a moron.

Nov 06 11 - 10:12pm

You're the ultimate moron, Moron. You said it all.

Nov 07 11 - 12:54am

I am a moron!! Exactly. I love it when I agree with myself.

Nov 07 11 - 1:46am

It is funny that somebody who criticizes my spelling and grammar can't understand that when I say "you" I'm not referring to myself. But stupidity like that is why you are such a moron, Moron. Only a moron like you would confuse stupidity with being clever.

Nov 07 11 - 3:04am

I'm so stupid! Moron is myself, stupid Moron! I need to learn to spell. So confusing, Moron.

Nov 07 11 - 10:54pm

I bet you're a niggeer, Moron.

Nov 02 11 - 1:46pm

But those who do live modest lives are out there too. Don't make strawpeople of the protesters.

Nov 02 11 - 7:45pm

True, but to be fair, conservatives (esp. tea party folks) are made into strawmen all the time on this site, so there's some tit for tat.

But the UWs point is a fair one - if you say we need to move from a capitalistic/consumerist culture, you should practice what you preach.

Nov 03 11 - 12:36pm
Teabagger Folks

No, Hooksexup basically catches us saying or doing incredibly stupid things all the time and reprints it from the news. Not FOX, but that's not really news now, is it?

Nov 02 11 - 2:07pm

And it's the Ultimate Warrior with a levelheaded arguement... RIGHT TO THE HEAD!!! AND ANOTHER, AND ANOTHER... NOW HE'S ON THE TOP ROPE!! HE COMES CRASHING DOWN WITH A SURPRISINGLY THOUGHTFUL POINT!!! Listen to this crowd!!!

Nov 02 11 - 3:30pm

Yeah, this is actually shockingly level-headed coming from him. He's given talks at campuses in the past and he is WILDLY conservative. He also, during some of these talks, openly antagonized the students for the beliefs.

Nov 02 11 - 10:42pm

The hypocrisy argument has great face value - and yet, if we held all idealists to the standards they fought to uphold, I don't know how the Civil Rights Movement would have taken off the ground. True, we are all culpable. But the point is that the system itself is corrupt. Owning an iPhone is a far cry from gambling someone else's money with little to no repercussions or accountability.

Nov 02 11 - 10:53pm

You'll have to explain that one, Jinna - how is it that the civil rights movement wouldn't have gotten off the ground? Are you saying the orginal protestors were really racists?

Nov 02 11 - 11:28pm

If MLK had had an iPhone and twitter account, he sure as shit wouldn't have had to march on Washington. That's why this wrestler's comments are so spot on. People pulled their money out of BOA and the bank dropped their debit fee. Netflix lost a shitload of customers and they revamped some of their business strategy. A bunch of hippies camp out in NYC for a month and it has and will continue to change not one damned thing. Boycotts and voting will create change. Camping hippies will spawn a compelling, albeit silly and pointless, documentary.

Nov 03 11 - 1:19am

I guess you don't read headlines like these over at FOX: "Senators Introduce Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United" or "Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Under Investigation for Nondisclosure".

Nov 04 11 - 6:15pm

@Change - huh? Did you put this comment in the wrong thread?

Nov 03 11 - 7:01am

"Direct action and direct democracy are the best things to engage in." Can you elaborate on what you mean exactly? Proposing new bills, putting forth new candidates for office, etc. seem like excellent examples of direct democracy. I'm still skeptical that camping out is an effective way to bring about change.

Oh, and way to rep WV - totally underrated state.

Nov 04 11 - 11:01pm

Occupying is a good way to raise awareness and gain support. I've made a lot of new friends and been able to speak to a lot of people about issues that are usually ignored.

Getting involved in politics, especially at a local level, is cool if that's what you wanna do. But half the problem is that it's very difficult to run for office if you don't have a lot of money. And the process of getting that money tends to corrupt people.

Ideally, I would like to do away with elected officials altogether. I believe that direct democracy is, for the first time in history, viable. Why waste time and money having a group of people in Washington DC make decisions for us when we could write bills and post them on the internet for everyone to discuss, then electronically vote on?

Nov 06 11 - 12:08am

You are part of history. Full support for you, brother. 99%!!!

Nov 03 11 - 8:26am

This line of argument is completely full of shit - as is everyone defending it. It's a straw man argument against OWS as a whole.

There are certainly individuals among OWS who are "tear down the system"-style anarchists, but for the most part OWS is not against corporations, or profits, or capitalism. They are against corruption, against the rigged crony capitalism that pervades. They are against socialized losses but privatized gains. They are against criminality. They are against the massive increases in income and wealth inequality since, say, 1980. They are against a government which seems to consistently privilege the needs of the wealthy few above the less-wealthy many.

It's just not that difficult. Pretending that OWS as a whole is against all corporations, or all profits, or that it's somehow "ironic" that they use cell phones to communicate while protesting the government's reluctance to prosecute massive financial fraud - that's just lying.

More to the point, says a lot more about you than it does about OWS.

Nov 03 11 - 2:07pm

Thank you for having "the most lucid, level-headed argument" and "some surprisingly thoughtful points about OWS." Seams most people lose sight on the actual meaning and weight's of the issue if something "rings right" and is "ironic" come to tear it down. Who doesn't love to be a critic.

Nov 03 11 - 7:12pm

seams like it.

Nov 20 11 - 10:08pm

Ab fab my gooldy man.

Nov 21 11 - 1:24pm

Ga2vFd zgbpijhqeqne

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