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Jon Hamm's dreaminess reduces Esquire writer to hysterics

Don Draper is known for charming the literal pants off the ladies. But Jon Hamm? Well, he seems to have worked his magic on Esquire writer Tom Chiarella, who profiled Hamm for this month's issue. The result was one hilariously tragic love letter.

First sentence in, Chiarella lets us in on the fact that Hamm owns four eagles. "This is really more description than metaphor," Chiarella explains. "He's poetry. Eagle poetry. Dark eyes, brightened skyward, shoulders flaring."

And don't get Chiarella started on Hamm's moral character. "He's impossible, because he looks good and he looks like he is good, too. He dangles victory from his fingers, as if he had a key fob for every circumstance, as if his whole world started with an on button that works only when he is proximate. He treats good-looking the way you treat your favorite sweater: He leaves it on without thinking about it."

Gotta love those invisible confidence sweaters. But for his interview, Hamm is wearing a shirt, and damn, does it look good.  "His shirt hangs on him like a taut sail," Chiarella muses. "He shrugs like a guy who took a shower by walking through the rain."

And then it happens. Don Draper takes Chiarella into his ride. And it is one ruggedly sexy four-door sedan. "What he is, I decide right there and then — under the sodium lights, in the throbbing clutch of his sedan, beneath the bug-laden, bat-heavy night sky — is Paul Bunyan. There's hyperbole in the way the world regards the man he pretends to be. And there's a kind of tall tale in the grinding strength of his normalcy."

We wish we could say the same for you, Chiarella. 

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Feb 15 12 - 1:06pm

I can't decide if the most awkward line is "as if he had a key fob for every circumstance" or "in the throbbing clutch of his sedan." But now I know that something called a sodium light exists.

Feb 15 12 - 3:48pm
Tom Chiarella

I usually resist comment, but I think only an idiot would take this story so seriously. In the second paragraph I said he has a "robed assistant" who rotates eagles that look like him. I was sick of descriptions of how good looking he is, so i decided to plaster the thing with exaggeration. I understand if you lack a sense of humor about celebrities in general,I sometimes do too, but why cherry pick the article like this? The whole thing is a tall tale, told breathlessly because there's so little to be discovered about the guy. It was a send up and if you go back and read the first 500 words I think you'll see that. You can write me, tell me how much you hate it too, if that's your choice-- .


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