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Eighteen-year old college student McKay Hatch, the founder of anti-profanity organization the No Cussing Club, has a message for ABC. He's pissed as balls about tonight's episode of Modern Family, which features a character saying a bleeped-out version of the f-word, and he's not gonna take the network's brand o' bullshit anymore.

Hatch, a college student who founded the No Cussing Club in 2007, is crapping many bricks over the episode, in which toddler Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) shocks her parents by using her first curse word. He and his pristine-mouthed compatriots at the NCC are asking bitches all over the country to rip the network a new asshole, by calling ABC and telling them not to air the episode.

"Our main goal is to stop this from happening," Hatch, a freshman at Brigham Young University, told the Huffington Post. "If we don't, at least ABC knows that people all over the world don't want to have a two-year old saying the 'F-bomb' on TV." Hatch says that 35,000 real ninja motherfuckers in over three dozen countries belong to the No Cussing Club, which means that ABC must be having one hell of a multilingual shitshow on its hands. 

Hatch says ABC has yet to respond to the NCC, and a rep told the Huffington Post that the network had no comment for those nosy bitches. Still, I hope that if there's a single soul left on Earth with respect for the sanctity of the written word, he/she will not puss out, and will join the No Cussing Club in their noble quest. Because I know you guys are just as tired as i am of lazy-ass writers relying on dirty words to make a point, or to try to be funny, or just to get a rise out of their readers. And no one is going to stop these slack-jawed, bleary-eyed douchehats from sitting at their keyboards, jamming their thumbs up their asses, and permanently shitting up the English language, if we don't rise up as one and take a stand against this fuckery once and for all. 

Commentarium (8 Comments)

Jan 18 12 - 6:20pm
Cristina what?

Jan 18 12 - 7:22pm

That was the best thing I read all day!

Jan 18 12 - 8:09pm

He decided to go to BYU. Shocker.

Jan 18 12 - 9:31pm
Lloyd Braun

I watched the "The Non-Fat Yogurt" episode of Seinfeld last night. "Fuck" is bleeped like, 15 times. I hope he doesn't find out about that! He'd really lose his shit!

Jan 18 12 - 10:55pm
Fuck Face

That kid needs to get a life, such a waste of time. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck - oh shit I said Fuck.

Jan 18 12 - 11:57pm

When you're not having sex in college, you have to direct that pent-up, repressed sexual rage towards something. This guy just decided cursing was his thing.

Also, as a former BYU grad I can tell you this - this guy goes to BYU-Idaho, which is the place where they send less-than-intelligent BYU rejects to marry and make babies. It's like the JuCo of mormon academics.

He just needs to go Provo Soak a little and he'll forget all about this.

Jan 19 12 - 12:46am

This was a pretty funny episode of MF.

Jan 19 12 - 11:40am

I watched the episode and there's no way the little girl who plays Lily actually said the f-bomb. They blurred her mouth so thoroughly that you couldn't read her lips, but my best guess is she said something like "fruit". Big whup.

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